I am enjoying my mission! The people Elder Hariprasad and I work with, are NOT like investigators. They are friends! Real family--almost. They are really connecting to the Savior. There is passion and fun, and the Holy Ghost in every aspect of the relationships we have here. People's real needs are freely accessible, for, enjoying the mission God's got for you, is inspired advice that will always lead to the next level of productivity in our lives.
Elder Hariprasad and I take down time together, just to talk openly, just to relax when appropriate, banter, joke, comfort, cook together, take videos together, just sing hymns together. One day, we were both fasting. We were so exhausted that we didn't know if we could go and get to the Chetty's house so many kilometers deep into the jungle's dusty, dark, endless roads. We stopped together, side by side on that dusty road in the middle of nowhere, and we prayed for the strength from heaven to work a miracle in our useless mortal drained systems. We ended the prayer and marched into utter darkness side-by-side. Soon, in a murmuring hum, we quietly began to break into solemn, powerful song together. The kilometers melted away and our souls seemed to fly as one as our voices grew more enthusiastic and upbeat, until we had together gone from down, to up, at the same rate, to the highest level. We were waking up villages with the mighty Hymns of our joy and spirit for this gospel. Then we taught a powerful lesson where we just in full unity bounced off each other's perfect songs and thoughts and scriptures and commitments. It was one of my favorite nights of the mission.
Every companionship study, we sit down and to build unity, we just relax and kick back to ask each other openly INSPIRED QUESTONS. We have made lists and lists of them! It is transforming the whole way I even think! I am thankful to know others so deeply, not just on a surface level, but really know what burdens those I love are facing in heart and mind.
We know when to bite our tongue and let small things go. We know how to love anyone we're with. I finally eliminated a weakness I had been carrying; I realized how I pinprick and speak out a little more than is needed. Now, that's neutralized! I have also learned that you don't always need to offer counsel or advice. It is enough to just be an ear and a heart, not a mouth or directing finger. These are gentle transformative steps in my nature that have fixed the kink that was between my old way and God's gold way. Now I can relate to and enjoy and get wonderfully along yet deeper with those who need it, in the way angels work.
Aren't we always growing in life?
We are working by having people picture themselves in white with God and their families forever. It is helping them so clearly to see the "Why" of and then the "How" of Baptism, Temple, Joy as a Family.
Connecting people to heaven is something we all can do, working miracles!
There was a less active man who now has a clear goal to bring his wife and children to the Temple!
There was a man and his wife we were just prompted to talk to one day, who are now begging to follow the Savior through Baptism, tasting the fresh, sweet fruit. If any child of God would taste it--they would want it! This beautiful message does have what everyone needs!(:
In Weekly Planning, to just see a problem and smash action fix it, we just made a list of all the key powerful members we have in the Branch and then drew in 2 colomns: Members, and then, Investigators. And we drew lines from name to name matching which Member we will have personally meet each specific name on our list of Investigators. We are connecting the carts and the engine is full of coal! This place is about to see Results!!
Elder Lemalu taught me so much on our exchange. It really made all the difference. We really feel that he was here so that I could see and obtain all his good qualities--and boy oh boy are they numerous and effective! He radiates security, confidence, seen as a father and friend who isn't there to point out and judge, he bites his tongue on what doesn't matter or when it isn't the right time to correct. He proves that his desires are for us! He sets expectations so well. These are things I have now implemented into myself, and growth every day is what it's about!
After Transfers:
We are changing up the way we work in this area. This week we're focusing on doing 10-minute lessons on the first meeting with as many people as God gives us this week. The first Vision is our main focus. We are putting together several weeks worth of Branch Activities, getting the membership fired up about the blessings we have thanks to the First Vision and how to do Missionary Work Effectively from their side. We are focusing in on Members and working through them for our Teaching Pool.
Now I have received a new companion:
Elder Hogge from California, age 20, 3 months out on the mission, is twice the man I hoped to meet!
The Holy Ghost approves his approach to things, for I can feel that Spirit radiate in what he does.
What a fast learner! He picks up everything we discuss, and uses it. Elder Hogge! Such a humble, sincere, meek, genuine Elder. This is the first time I have had a Caucasian companion since before coming to Fiji. Haha, What an experience! The changes we are making to the area, I want to directly say, are thanks to his initiative and inspiration.
On the first day, instead of jumping right into the grind of the area, we stopped in town to enjoy lunch and get to know each other. We talked and enjoyed, while talking to everyone we met to share the gospel, and then upon coming home we conversed openly about who we are and our "Why's" of what we do and of mutual clear understanding. We sat and painted a clear vision of this area, and especially of the importance of our communication with each other. We asked each other wonderful inspired questions for about an hour, casually, as what we felt was a most productive aspect of our Weekly Planning.
That practice led me to clearly see his backround, understand the way he sees and thinks, what he wanted me to know about how he doesn't talk very much but it doesn't mean he is angry or anything. Just a very humble, powerful Elder. His actions speak profound things about him. This time enjoying together and talking openly was a foundation I am grateful the Lord directed us to do.
Last night while breaking my Fast, I was crying and conversing with the Lord about what He would have me do here and what He hopes of me, eyes only He sees through, how I can be more truly good and bear fruit unto Him pleasingly, I begged Him for a friend I could openly talk with. Not 3 minutes after those words left my mouth, Elder Hogge and I were once again relaxing while eating dinner together and my prayer was answered full to a 'T'; The Lord gives blessings in response to sincere heartfelt prayer only as fast as our feet get moving after the prayer's "Amen."
The other day, we were working far away from town, and we received a call to give a blessing in the Hospital. We rushed as fast as we could to the Hospital. It was for our District President of Vanua Levu, President Bull. We entered the room to see his Christlike person who had served and loved with no limits in his tremendous calling over leading the entire Vanua Levu... motionless. He passed away due to heart failure, but God had us sent to bear his soul unto the eternal world with a blessing and prayer upon him. The entire island is in shock and mourning together. This man had affected all of Fiji with his meek life. He was to each one of us, "My Hero."
It is the 2nd time in my mission I have witnessed one I love cross the veil in Hospital halls.
Our Mission President expressed something like what I echo:
Elder Hariprasad and I take down time together, just to talk openly, just to relax when appropriate, banter, joke, comfort, cook together, take videos together, just sing hymns together. One day, we were both fasting. We were so exhausted that we didn't know if we could go and get to the Chetty's house so many kilometers deep into the jungle's dusty, dark, endless roads. We stopped together, side by side on that dusty road in the middle of nowhere, and we prayed for the strength from heaven to work a miracle in our useless mortal drained systems. We ended the prayer and marched into utter darkness side-by-side. Soon, in a murmuring hum, we quietly began to break into solemn, powerful song together. The kilometers melted away and our souls seemed to fly as one as our voices grew more enthusiastic and upbeat, until we had together gone from down, to up, at the same rate, to the highest level. We were waking up villages with the mighty Hymns of our joy and spirit for this gospel. Then we taught a powerful lesson where we just in full unity bounced off each other's perfect songs and thoughts and scriptures and commitments. It was one of my favorite nights of the mission.
Every companionship study, we sit down and to build unity, we just relax and kick back to ask each other openly INSPIRED QUESTONS. We have made lists and lists of them! It is transforming the whole way I even think! I am thankful to know others so deeply, not just on a surface level, but really know what burdens those I love are facing in heart and mind.
We know when to bite our tongue and let small things go. We know how to love anyone we're with. I finally eliminated a weakness I had been carrying; I realized how I pinprick and speak out a little more than is needed. Now, that's neutralized! I have also learned that you don't always need to offer counsel or advice. It is enough to just be an ear and a heart, not a mouth or directing finger. These are gentle transformative steps in my nature that have fixed the kink that was between my old way and God's gold way. Now I can relate to and enjoy and get wonderfully along yet deeper with those who need it, in the way angels work.
Aren't we always growing in life?
We are working by having people picture themselves in white with God and their families forever. It is helping them so clearly to see the "Why" of and then the "How" of Baptism, Temple, Joy as a Family.
Connecting people to heaven is something we all can do, working miracles!
There was a less active man who now has a clear goal to bring his wife and children to the Temple!
There was a man and his wife we were just prompted to talk to one day, who are now begging to follow the Savior through Baptism, tasting the fresh, sweet fruit. If any child of God would taste it--they would want it! This beautiful message does have what everyone needs!(:
In Weekly Planning, to just see a problem and smash action fix it, we just made a list of all the key powerful members we have in the Branch and then drew in 2 colomns: Members, and then, Investigators. And we drew lines from name to name matching which Member we will have personally meet each specific name on our list of Investigators. We are connecting the carts and the engine is full of coal! This place is about to see Results!!
Elder Lemalu taught me so much on our exchange. It really made all the difference. We really feel that he was here so that I could see and obtain all his good qualities--and boy oh boy are they numerous and effective! He radiates security, confidence, seen as a father and friend who isn't there to point out and judge, he bites his tongue on what doesn't matter or when it isn't the right time to correct. He proves that his desires are for us! He sets expectations so well. These are things I have now implemented into myself, and growth every day is what it's about!
After Transfers:
We are changing up the way we work in this area. This week we're focusing on doing 10-minute lessons on the first meeting with as many people as God gives us this week. The first Vision is our main focus. We are putting together several weeks worth of Branch Activities, getting the membership fired up about the blessings we have thanks to the First Vision and how to do Missionary Work Effectively from their side. We are focusing in on Members and working through them for our Teaching Pool.
Now I have received a new companion:
Elder Hogge from California, age 20, 3 months out on the mission, is twice the man I hoped to meet!
The Holy Ghost approves his approach to things, for I can feel that Spirit radiate in what he does.
What a fast learner! He picks up everything we discuss, and uses it. Elder Hogge! Such a humble, sincere, meek, genuine Elder. This is the first time I have had a Caucasian companion since before coming to Fiji. Haha, What an experience! The changes we are making to the area, I want to directly say, are thanks to his initiative and inspiration.
On the first day, instead of jumping right into the grind of the area, we stopped in town to enjoy lunch and get to know each other. We talked and enjoyed, while talking to everyone we met to share the gospel, and then upon coming home we conversed openly about who we are and our "Why's" of what we do and of mutual clear understanding. We sat and painted a clear vision of this area, and especially of the importance of our communication with each other. We asked each other wonderful inspired questions for about an hour, casually, as what we felt was a most productive aspect of our Weekly Planning.
That practice led me to clearly see his backround, understand the way he sees and thinks, what he wanted me to know about how he doesn't talk very much but it doesn't mean he is angry or anything. Just a very humble, powerful Elder. His actions speak profound things about him. This time enjoying together and talking openly was a foundation I am grateful the Lord directed us to do.
Last night while breaking my Fast, I was crying and conversing with the Lord about what He would have me do here and what He hopes of me, eyes only He sees through, how I can be more truly good and bear fruit unto Him pleasingly, I begged Him for a friend I could openly talk with. Not 3 minutes after those words left my mouth, Elder Hogge and I were once again relaxing while eating dinner together and my prayer was answered full to a 'T'; The Lord gives blessings in response to sincere heartfelt prayer only as fast as our feet get moving after the prayer's "Amen."
The other day, we were working far away from town, and we received a call to give a blessing in the Hospital. We rushed as fast as we could to the Hospital. It was for our District President of Vanua Levu, President Bull. We entered the room to see his Christlike person who had served and loved with no limits in his tremendous calling over leading the entire Vanua Levu... motionless. He passed away due to heart failure, but God had us sent to bear his soul unto the eternal world with a blessing and prayer upon him. The entire island is in shock and mourning together. This man had affected all of Fiji with his meek life. He was to each one of us, "My Hero."
It is the 2nd time in my mission I have witnessed one I love cross the veil in Hospital halls.
Our Mission President expressed something like what I echo:
Without the Gospel of Jesus Christ the passing of such a great man would be unbearable. Even though we mourn his loss, we and his family know that we will see him again because of our Savior Jesus Christ. This is the message that you and I are taking to those we seek out to teach in these very last few chances we've got before the 2nd Coming.
Each soul you find is precious to our Father in Heaven. Last week our Mission President visited with President Bull in Suva and President Bull was so grateful for what the gospel has done to bring him and his family close together. He was baptized in June 2011, just five years ago, and according to he and his family the gospel completely changed his life. He is one who put off the natural man and became a Saint.
We can be the Lord's hands. Let's go find some more Saints this month who can experience this same change in their lives.
You ARE important and needed in the Lord's work.
There is so much more!
But, testimony time: I know we Missionaries are Apostles... with a lower case "a". We have this call to speak boldly from heaven--to be a open tunnel right up to it to speak the Father and Savior's love and very voice to the hearts of His wandered children. Using that special commission in my mission enriches every lesson. To know what is coming from our acts and lips is the very will and mind of the Lord, is the best. My conversion to this gospel, and ability to teach it simply and clearly is deeper than any day before in my life.
Climb time, up and up to the brightest sun shine. Taking the nation to see the vision the Savior paid to paint.
This is joy:
Preach Repentance
Baptize Converts.
In the name of my personal friend,
even, Jesus Christ, the Holy One of my life,
_Elder Watchman on a Beacon Hill, Elder Howard
Labasa Hindi
We can be the Lord's hands. Let's go find some more Saints this month who can experience this same change in their lives.
You ARE important and needed in the Lord's work.
There is so much more!
But, testimony time: I know we Missionaries are Apostles... with a lower case "a". We have this call to speak boldly from heaven--to be a open tunnel right up to it to speak the Father and Savior's love and very voice to the hearts of His wandered children. Using that special commission in my mission enriches every lesson. To know what is coming from our acts and lips is the very will and mind of the Lord, is the best. My conversion to this gospel, and ability to teach it simply and clearly is deeper than any day before in my life.
Climb time, up and up to the brightest sun shine. Taking the nation to see the vision the Savior paid to paint.
This is joy:
Preach Repentance
Baptize Converts.
In the name of my personal friend,
even, Jesus Christ, the Holy One of my life,
_Elder Watchman on a Beacon Hill, Elder Howard
Labasa Hindi
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