Sunday, June 12, 2016

Key to Keys

Sometimes I wish tears could type. 

Feeling the Lord's great love for people is... brings me to my knees daily.  I'm feeling a huge transformation as my life is melted, swept and lost away to the love of these good Children of God in Fiji.  I find myself yearning and wishing they could see what He sees in them.  
The greatest event of the mission in my experience lately has been the Sacrament at our little Branch Chapel here on this island.  In reflecting on the most sacred and spiritual experiences with God, my personal loving Heavenly Father, in the Washington D.C. Temple before my mission, I feel the same feelings on the same level now when partaking of the Sacrament.  Realizing that it isn't just a renewing of the covenants made, but, rather much more--it is the next step forward and upward in them.  Maybe the Temple is too far for away for this Missionary during his whole mission; but I know I have one thing: The Sacrament.  

In the Missionary Daily Planner, written on the top of each page of the week is the gentle words, "I Promised" with a small drawing of bread and a cup to remind me of Christ and me.  Next to each "I Promised," --written big and bold-- is a place where I can at the end of the day personally check mark in personal reflection if I did in full honor truly prove that to my Heavenly Father this day. 

Lately it has dawned on me, and now I'm settled in my mind about it:

I believe the Sacrament is the Key to the Keys of Success.

  • It is where I've learned I can get the most saturating power of a personal relationship with my Savior, Jesus Christ. 

  • It is where I've learned I can get the most clear assurance that He too has promised all things contingent on Obedience.

  • It is where I've learned I can take divine energy; a full tank-up on Charity to work hard each day. Remembering all He gave.

  • It is where I can grieve Natural Man: humble this prideful heart; break and contrition. Teachable to remold; "soul pruning."

  • It is where I've learned I can "have His spirit to be with [me], always."  That's where daily attitude links up to Celestial altitude. 

In the nights I cry and pour out my heart to the Lord on behalf of His dear children in Labasa--I plead with Him to give me new eyes to discern what He wills that I do for others.  6:30AM starts the day with a prayerful listing of blessings received and then, from Him, a listing of blessings to perceive someone can receive from me in hours ahead.  The Book of Mormon, Comp Prayer, Listening and Thoughtful Planning help the day be laid out in simple plans to meets small unseen needs of those I'll meet.  

Sanjeeta's Baptism and Confirmation were so sweet.  I couldn't control my emotions for just inner joy--knowing the Holy Ghost approved it all.  That's all I could ask for!  She has memories to secure her roots now for years to come.  

We have a "Missionary Fun Evening" for the Branch this Saturday, and another for their non-member friends to come to the Saturday following.  Elder Hogge and I laid out and secured approval for a wonderful Activity we will report on next email.

He has mastered Hindi symbols; is strong in the language.  Wonderful initiative and diligence in focusing on a task in this Elder.  His heart is close to the Lord--it pours out in his quiet, humble actions and approach to his work and relationships--thus his mouth needn't open. Such a pleasure to serve with. 

We teach short lessons to cut off at Spiritual High, Commit, get out so they can feel it and want --using the First Vision and Baptismal Invitation as our main focus... it works!  

That's what I felt like sharing. 

I love my Savior.  I love Elder Hogge.  

We love you.  

In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

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