Sunday, May 22, 2016

Aspire 2 Inspire B4u Expire

"Tomorrows Have Past"

One day, one of the dearest families I ever met, met Christ their Savior, and now today they emailed me telling me that they have gone to the Temple for making their family eternal, forever, one step forward in God's Grand Plan, the young man has advanced to the office of a Priest in the Aaronic Priesthood and done the Sacrament and is strong and happy in keeping the Commandments of God. 

We reap exactly what we sow.  How comforting that is, to know.  So, sow on! 

What a fabulous week we had here in Labasa!  Praying for the Lord to lead us to The Elect has led us to work around the Chapel EVERY day, and to do splits (4 people covering more ground,)  when we need to cover those we teach outside of town.  The Lord has no restraints in this area! Fruit is pouring in. The Pipes are filled back up with the juice of Children of God, awakened by His LIGHT; people being taught!  

We found 5+ Families especially (all of whom live just right next to the Chapel!), who are receiving the message with enthusiasm!  DVD's we gave them, they watched twice with wrapped attention, AS A FAMILY.  They said that they feel the Lord really did lead us to them and this is the only way for them to have family forever and joy with God.  

Even though they are all Hindu, they are all embracing the message this sincerely.  It is what they have been searching for. I particularly am overcome with joy and deep pleasure being in Labasa, because it is fulfilling prophesies that the Lord gave about me throughout my life up to this point!  I am finding the ones the Lord wanted me to find, and I don't think there's anything more fulfilling for a Missionary to be able to say.

Elder Hariprasad and I could hardly be happier!  Baptismal Dates are just about ready to be extended meaningfully to these dear families.  One such family is from the same part of India as Elder Hariprasad, AND speaks all three of his languages from there!!  We heard of this family through an investigator referral.  The day we went to go contact this Family, the father was walking directly towards us with his friend (our investigator who referred him,) and he introduced himself.  I have been able to enjoy learning their language very fast and have so much fun teaching them!  They said, "Our lives are completely the Lord's.  Where He leads, we will go.  There is surely no mistake we are here and met.  You are welcome to come and teach us on a daily basis, we want to hear."

Elder Hariprasad finally got to eat food from India at their house! 

I really truly love our Landlords here. I love them!  They are teaching me how to garden, work, clean, manage things and even marriage principles that I had never even considered before.  I believe they are part of the reason the Lord sent me to Labasa--because we get along well!  

Being Teachable is no.1 Best Life Key!  Toward God and Fellowmen.  Everyone around me always seems to have just the next step I needed--just by learning from them.  In just taking them and embracing who they are, light bursts forth in every direction; what they are is the pieces I was lacking, what I was was a compliment to what they were desiring in turn.  We are Who God Gives in our life in such a beautiful way.  That's why we need the Savior beside us daily, so our image reflects to other's the best in themselves; just by purely loving and serving them. 

What great life skills are packed every step of the way on the Lord's path of the Law of Consecration. To keep growing we just have to keep going upward, forward, living for 1) Covenants the bind us to Chirst, and for 2) the betterment of those around us.

I have learned how to see a problem, and speaks up and does something to just matter-of-fact-ly get it fixed; and then it's fixed!  That's an attribute I am picking up. An attitude of "What's stopping productivity? What is the goal; and what is in the way of it? Set, that's simple . . . there! All fixed!  We can do it!" I'm loving that and adopting light from all directions in this our beautiful life on earth!

We are finding families that want to do what it takes to get to the Temple.  One step at a time. This is joy! And we're all a part of it!

With love and gratitude we press on into brighter and brighter light, if we just fix our knees to the floor in prayer, eyes upon the Savior in deep trust, our feet in moving forward despite all the wind and blows and obstacles.  We are unstoppable Children of the Highest! 

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