Sunday, June 26, 2016

Impact on Your Life: Water Flowing

Bula Vinaka में तुम्हे याद करता है

[What is going on with his eye?!??  Read on...]

The precious and priceless value of You

The Savior sacrificed everything for you. 
Joy and Light, Always Win. 

That is the message this week. 

These Two Friends will always prove you right.  They will stand by your side if you are faithful to them even in hard and dark phases of this brief sojourn on earth. 

The whole mission here has caught fire with the motto "Attitude is The Key" Choose joy!  CHOOSE.  Smile non stop.  Lift the world.  Shine light.  Invite people to follow Christ through Baptism at any opportunity that ever opens itself.  These are things that the Lord had always been training me on for the past 3 years.  It is wonderful to see small matches of determination and integrity eventuate to a wildfire across an entire nation.  The Lord is working in the hearts of all.  

Light and truth forsake the evil one!  We have one job! Break down the walls of the world that have caked up around our consciousness and let them crash down so light and joy and enthusiasm can pour in and vanquish! Conquer! Come rushing in!  The white flag raising, is the way to raise your potential.  The Lord can remodel our very nature and being if we let Him in.  

Matthew 11!  

"I stand at the door and knock.  If any man will hear, and let me in, I will come in unto Him."  

Ask Him to help you choose joy, choose enthusiasm, choose full potential!  Now the Fiji Suva Mission is doing trainings about it all across each Island of the whole nation and it is changing everything.  

Our dear President saw that the missionaries lacked only one thing:  the key to realizing that attitude is fully in no one's hands but their own.  God has unlocked the door to everyone's minds and light is finally just flooding unrestrained!  A revolution is pouring over the souls of men.  

How powerful it is to see, that only the letters of the words A T T I T U T E as numbered with the alphabet, add up mathamatically to 1 0 0 !  It is 100% If we want to see our full potential, gratitude, love, enthusiasm, prayer simply asking God to help you choose a higher mark to set your eyes up upward upon.  Up Up UP! 

This morning, workers came in to fix things in our mansion.  Everything was trying to go south and rotten(in ways I can't write in email)--but as usual in life; I never let it. I chose to run to a room, kneel, pray, connect to the power of my Savior's Atonement, get up, and He did the rest!  I immediately chose joy, and went about talking with the workers in Hindi and made buddies out of them; then cleaning the whole mansion while singing songs about the Savior Jesus Christ and the Gospel.  The workers listened in, and one of them was like, "I am Christian as well!"  We had a great time.  Let your faith show, for it is to other souls around you, what sunlight is to plants! The world around you will grow green and sweet if you unabashedly and matter of happy factly let your faith show.  The workers want us to come over to their houses and meet them there.  We'll teach them. 

Every time EVERY TIME--ever in our whole lives--we're down; it is always a sign that if you choose Christ, choose to hold to your Covenants with Him, choose joy, choose to pray and then do something, then it is going to uncover the best gift your life has met yet!  The sad or challenging hard times are the wrapping paper for the best of life's gifts--if we choose to be the masters of them and UNWRAP THEM by those steps listed above. 

For instance, Joseph and Hyrum gave everything for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Are we willing to do the following for Jesus Christ?

Something our Mission President said today:
"172 years ago today, Joseph and Hyrum were killed in the Carthage Jail. When Joseph was attacked and killed by a mob, he was the mayor of Nauvoo, Illinois, and running for President of the United States. In the Doctrine and Covenants section 135 it states:

3 Joseph Smith, the Prophet and Seer of the Lord, has done more, save Jesus only, for the salvation of men in this world, than any other man that ever lived in it. In the short space of twenty years, he has brought forth the Book of Mormon, which he translated by the gift and power of God, and has been the means of publishing it on two continents; has sent the fulness of the everlasting gospel, which it contained, to the four quarters of the earth; has brought forth the revelations and commandments which compose this book of Doctrine and Covenants, and many other wise documents and instructions for the benefit of the children of men; gathered many thousands of the Latter-day Saints, founded a great city, and left a fame and name that cannot be slain. He lived great, and he died great in the eyes of God and his people; and like most of the Lord's anointed in ancient times, has sealed his mission and his works with his own blood; and so has his brother Hyrum. In life they were not divided, and in death they were not separated!

"Like Joseph and Hyrum, we as missionaries are asked to do hard things. We know their legacy, what will our legacy be?"

That is a question
proving our answer
is our few remaining days' quest.

In all phases of life we learn (1) the Lord loves us and (2) to serve our fellowmen.  We keep learning this over and over.

That which I share is from my heart.  These things are special to me. 

The week produced a lot of fruit, fun, progress and growth only because it was prefaced by a Sacrament Moment that defined all my choices. That defining moment built a broad and steady foundation for the whole week.

The transformation that has taken place:
Nothing is so important to me as to meet the need of one cherished soul.

"Heavenly Father," I said as I held the bread in my hand for many minutes, "I promise this moment and this promise will define and be the power behind all my choices this week."  The Holy Spirit pulsed and poured over me in goose-bump waves over my entire body.  I was filled with what was a real energy, power, and virtue that sprang from sources above.  Like a bucket of warmth and charge of power poured right over my head.  I held the cup for many precious moments of introspection and reflection and as I reflected on the blood of Christ, came these words in my heart, "I ask the Holy Ghost bring this moment to my mind every day and every choice this week."  (John 14:26)

Later in the week, another experience that connected me to the Savior, was that Elder Hogge was sneezing non-stop and coughing so repetitively that we both agreed it was time to call our Mission Nurse. He was sweating and weak. 

When Elder Hogge was sick and couldn't go out and proselyte on this our most important day, after discussing with the Mission Nurse, he at length approached me seeking a blessing.  "I need 10 minutes..." I said, "to prepare myself."  He went to the room to rest, and I brushed my teeth, put on my tie, washed my hands and face, went somewhere private, closed the door and knelt on the floor alone. As I prayed for my companion and tears formed in my eyes for him, I began to picture my Savior kneeling in the room before me.  In the mind's eye, beholding Him so clearly and vividly in the agony of Atonement, He writhing in anguish and soul tearing hurt, crushed under a burden no shoulder's could fit, His face and eyes beholding me and speaking with me from His eyes--not mouth... I withered with Him.  I saw that He did this for my Companion.  He did this for someone He loves.  

Next, the mind and heaven brought that moment's counterpart forward to me, to have the blood of the anguish and burden of pain and sorrow and grief that bore Him under, all wash over me.  Imagining the Savior's blood starting from my head, I imagined it very slowly... purifying out all impurities from my whole system and consciousness.  Things so deep in my nature and in the core of my being were touched.  Going down the whole body, until all natural had been replaced by His virtue.  

I stood up, humbled and in reverent sobriety.  

The sacred blessing was administered upon my companion, and tremendous words flowed from Father's mind and heart through my lips, to the soul of Elder Hogge, and he was healed. 

This was the day of a long planned for and anticipated Branch Activity.  In the Blessing, he had been promised that he would be fine to go and run the activity that evening.  

After the successful completion of a phenomenal activity, Elder Hogge said, "I didn't sneeze once . . . that is a miracle!"  

My heart was warm, knowing His Savior knows Him, and cared to trust one weak and simple as me to be His channel.  

That day, determined in my heart, "I want this kind of service to be the substance of my life."  To see my Savior and me so close that others are close to Him--eyes in my head now see this which eyes in my spirit knew clear all along. 

In District Workshop on Tuesday, Elder Vitiarai gave assignment for me to lead our Training.  It was on the Atonement.  How to access it; flowing into every aspect of our daily lives.

Object: Christ's power flow in every aspect of every day this week.

Started by sharing a story of a Mission President and one of his Missionaries talking.  The Missionary wasn't feeling the Spirit strongly.  The President was inspired to ask regarding his Sacrament partaking on Sundays; to which the Elder surprisingly responded that he had been too busy trying to help investigators to church to actually arrive on time and partake for himself.  

Then reminded us all that The Church, Area, and District Presidencies had all indicated that Sacrament is in Heavenly Father's top 5 priorities for His Children NOW. 

Then gave it over to them to read aloud Alma 33:16. 

"Thou art angry, Lord, with this people, because they will not understand thy mercies which thou hast bestowed upon them because of thy Son."
Next, Alma 26:12, 

"Yea, know that am nothingas to my strength am weak; therefore will not boast of myself, but will boast of my God, for in his strength I can do all thingsyea,behold, many mighty miracles we have wrought in this land, for which we will praise his name forever."


"Who wants this kind of success in their area?  Who wants to see these miracles flowing freely in their Branch?  Who wants to find those who are truly seeking, contributing members, satisfying personal development of Christlike qualities?" 

Everyone enthusiastic, awake, eagerly affirming this is what we all want. 

Then drawing this picture, 

Showed that God is unlimited and has unfathomable power

Christ is our only connector to that full power, like a vast reservoir.  From which, a pipe travels to your home, with 5 switches from there to you, in order to get it flowing your electricity, washing, sinks, showers, toilets, and so on. 

  1. Heaven's Power 
  2. Christ's Atonement
  3. Flowing Thru Men
How do we get this flowing in every facet of our life?  

We then read the Sacrament Prayers carefully, drawing out what they felt were the elements in it that most lead us to action and change.  

After discussing that, we then reflected on a formula:

First, we 
  1. Remember His Example
  • Bore our everything
  • Remembers me personally, always
  • Exchanges whatever negative I will drop at His feet
  • Absolute surrender to Father
  • Demonstrated, "Don't quit!" 
      2. How do we access?  "Ask in heart and prayer.  He makes it that simple.  Faith with eyes on Christ is enough.  One deliberate action of change will set it flowing.  Just, through prayer, ask to access it!  Simple."

      Then each member of the District gave separate presentations of the 5 keys,

Elder De Moors, Work
Elder & Sister Petero, Attitude
Elder Howard,(sisters weren't in attendance,) Teachable 
Elder Vitiarai, Exactness 
Elder Hogge, Relationship

And then, 

      3. Just testified, that we had it all along.  the five keys are what gets the water flowing, from God, through Christ, all the pipes and 5 switches, to all aspects of our system, and the work itself: 
  • W ork
  • A ttitude
  • T eachable
  • E xactness
  • R elationship 
The answer to getting the water flowing, is in the word itself. 

I know the Lord requires our very best to lead in the Savior's way.  Helping individuals feel His pure acceptance and love, then improve from wherever they are; begin there. The love demonstrated, and to feel then in themselves the light growing, is all it takes for them to walk on--self-fueled and Christ as their co-pilot.

Branch Activity was a blast, and now, all the members are giving referrals of their friends who are ready, left and right!

What word is most important in life? 

For happiness, joy and richness to flood our life, I believe it's this word:

Atonement . (

Praying for new eyes to see all things from eternity's perspective, and Heavenly Father's eyes, my eyes literally fell under remodeling.

There is a boil on my forehead that has rushed swelling over half of my face.  It looks like what Missionaries and Prophets must look like when they get stones thrown at them, as in days of old.  My eye's like a little water melon and is stuck shut. 

We planned and carried out another Branch Activity this week.  We taught about Eternal Families from these 2 sources:

Earthly Father, Heavenly Father 

We're Still a Family 

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