Sunday, May 17, 2015

Your Mountain. You're Not Alone.

On The Journey of Joy, The Mountain is the Opposite--and that's where we can choose to make our joy a depth that is unstoppable, untouchable, unbreakable.

The Mountain holds the view of all eternities our souls once knew--and will know, and the Mountain holds the prize God designs to be ours: grand and worth all the lifetime we pay for it, in exaltation with Him evermore.

But there remains a path before our feet. 

There yet remain choices when the path gets hard on some days when the summit slips out of our sight... 

Our Savior is a rock climber, a Mountain climber.  He faced all your obstacles that are hurting you now.  He walked the lonely path Himself--and now, He's your friend...

His whole mission is nothing more or less than,


He lived, and lives for nothing apart from being the friend you need to pass all the tests of this life, no matter how hard. 

He is the one, the One who is everything your heart and limbs need to draw the strength to make the monumental journey of the grand climb of this part of the beautiful stages of eternity you now find yourself in. 

Your journey is His specialty. 

Keep walking and reach out to Him, Look for Him, Speak to Him, Invite Him, Love Him, Show your Trust and Yearning for Him, Believe, and you'll realize in your deepest sorrows and pains and trials, you were never walking alone.

Most importantly, 

I Testify, 

You're Not Walking Alone Right Now:

Because He Lives, All He Does is walk you to peace eternally.

The Journey is Joy, 

The Path is Obstacles, 

But Obstacles are the Way Joy Becomes the Journey.

You've Felt the Journey is Long.

'Tis but a Small Moment.

You Belong

You are Strong

Ahead, is always a brighter, glorious dawn for those who keep walking and keep seeking Christ and relying on Him who loves us and yearns to lift and bear the burdens that make our hearts groan--for those who keep actively choosing joy.

This life isn't meant to be convenient or easy or without pain.  
This life is meant to change us forever.  To set the course for that eternal state we are about to enter.  

The best thing in life that can happen, might just be your heart breaking.  I have found that a broken heart, a paining heart, is a heart that grows.  A heart that climbs even in the storms, even in the mob attacks, and even in the heat of the dry and long desert day... that heart becomes one like God, one that leans on the Savior, Christ; one He can use, one that brings itself to seek Him and one that finds Him, one that brings glory to His name.  

Broken soil yields grain.  Broken bread feeds man for one more day.  Broken things mend stronger. Gold goes through the hottest heat before its' true and fullest value is revealed and brought to the surface.  

And His is a voice that can only be received by a "broken heart" and "contrite spirit."

If life ever leaves you feeling broken or alone... 

       You are being prepared for your heavenly throne:

"Thine adversity and thine affliction shall be but a small moment, and then if thou endure it well, God shall exalt thee on high." (Keep reading and go to the link further below, to site the scripture reference.)

Broken things change. 

They are brought to a point where they can choose if they want that change to take them in a positive, or negative direction.  

Let God shape you.  He's not just sending you out on the race of life... He's running it with you, closer and more lovingly by your side than your eyes or heart can see.  The race's end leads to all you can boundless be; even as He.  The race's end leads to being like Him, and the heights and depths of the joy that is in store for those that endure faithfully and with a perfect brightness of hope even when all around is dark and painful, they gain a level of joy that becomes regardless of circumstances--one that turns all things that come it's way, positive!  One that is the never-ending happiness the scriptures speak of the righteous receiving as their greatest and deepest reward in exaltation in evermore. 

"O God, Where Art Thou?"

The above is what this week's message is about.  And to get the juice and richness of what this lesson has to offer you in your hard or happy times, you're going to have to read it for yourself.  

Take the time.  

Skip down a little in it, to where the actual lesson is.  And pour over the scriptures. 

God told me this is what was needed for me to write this week.  

So where is God?   The heart aches... the heart cries out, and the heart breaks, and who is there in the world to hear or understand it or speak the melody it needs to be made whole again?  Where is God?

He is where you call out to Him, from the heart.  And He is where you then live for Him and His great causes and purposes, from the actions of your will.  He is where you let Him in.  

He's trying to come in every door. 

He's in whichever door you open.

Where is God?

Where He's always been.....            

I testify 

He's right with you. 

I don't promise that.

      --- > He promises that. 

And as His representative, only a messenger, He has commanded deliver this promise to you this week.  

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