Sunday, May 24, 2015

Hold Your Head High, but Humble and Ready to Learn

कैसे है! हम बहुत कृषि लगे, और सुब चीज हम सीखा ई हप्ता में, बहुत सेलेस्टियल है! 


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Every great story has got to have a dilemma. The morning of the Baptism, Soni and Kirti's phone wasn't answering. That's unusual and usually means something bad. All possibilities came and raced through our minds, or what could have happened to them or what could have gone wrong, or what might be trying to keep them from making this most important of all decisions in life. 

Immediately, I began fasting earnestly and agreed with the Lord that I wouldn't break the fast until they were dressed in white there, and they were entering the waters of covenant--the waters of change--the waters of a new life--even, the waters of Baptism. 

We dropped everything and zipped over to their house with their Baptismal Dresses so they could see what they would be wearing for this most special of all occasions, and for us to know that nothing had happened and they were still good and ready to go. 

On the drive over, we passed an investigator we haven't talked to in months! We were able to get back in contact with her and set up to meet with her and her daughter again, and we invited them to the baptism that night! 

Had this obstacle and difficulty not happened, we wouldn't have crossed this dear former investigator's path! The Lord knows what He's doing, in all our uncertainties and hard moments of confusion. 

Thus we can trust in Him even to perfect peace even before the fogs and mists of those trials do lift. 

At the Baptism, about 60 people were there to support Soni and Kirti!!!! The entire ward and some friends of Soni and Kirti's from Koroipita!!! 

They changed into their Baptismal Clothes, and we took pictures, and started the program.  There were wonderful talks given in only Hindi.  The font was overflowing, just like the blessings and joy in their lives.  I got to sing a solo new arrangement of " I am a Child of God." and they cried and it was very powerful and emotional to feel the spirit there.  

Just before I baptized Kirti, there was a phone that went off in someone's pocket, and it was loud nice singing.  I immediately commented in delight, "See? Choirs of angels!"  Everyone laughed.  The solemnity and joy was rich. And as she went down into the water, her old life drowned and her new life blossomed.   

Soni went around kissing everyone on the cheek and hugging them and thanking them--all 60 people!  

It was a wonderful event.

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​We had a flat tire that I used to turn into a good use: Shared the gospel with 5 people because of it. 

Elder Moka went home to New Zealand and I got a new companion who is fluent in Hindi!  Elder Singh! We speak and write and think in Hindi!

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Kirti was persecuted by her village, and she didn't hardly care. She still went around proudly telling everyone she is member of Jesus Christ's church, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  

He is guaranteed the prize who never stops walking forward. 

My mission is 1/3 finished already.  The More humble I am, the faster, deeper and more I progress and grow and advance. 

I learned how to read and write in Hindi in one day.  

My eye got all swollen and I was starting to not even be able to see out of half of it, but I didn't care.  I proudly went out to do the Lord's work anyway---proud of my face and the Lord I serve giving me the strength to turn it all for good. 

I don't ask the Lord to take my trials from me; I ask the Lord to use my trials to take my sins and weaknesses from me thereby.  I recognize trials this way are the greatest positives. 

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I want to always live so as to know Father approves of my life.  

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I have found that when everything is stacked against us it makes a ramp or wall that is the only way up to knowing God the Father and Christ and to exaltation, purification, sanctified.  Climb it with Christ!

Let God help you by helping you help others.

The Atonement of Jesus Christ is becoming all I think about.

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