Soni and Kirti were confirmed members of the Church of Jesus Christ!!!
They are a part of His eternal kingdom now, and on Sunday they received the Holy Ghost! The experience of being Heavenly Father's direct channel of giving them the Holy Ghost, ranks as one of the highest spiritual and supernaturally joyful experiences of my life, and certainly my mission so far.
What a joy the work of sacrifice is.
When we are young, we have energy and time but no money.
When we are adults, we have energy and money but no time.
When we are elderly, we have money and time, but not as much energy.
Only during a mission do we have all three given to us bountifully by the Lord's miraculous and day-to-day providing.
But only for 2 years.
My time is more than 1/3 passed for this mission.
I will not come short of any of its potential--in fact, Heavenly Father is reaching me and teaching me to over reach and smash all its potential by a hundred times.
I am focused. More than at hardly any other previous time in my eternity. The Lord works through me as if I had stepped out of the way and just watched Him move and speak and act. I am eternally and lastingly magnified and changed.
Remember the conscious mind can only focus on one thing at a time (so they say,) and so I challenge you to only choose a positive thought! ^_^ Make always "I Will," my mentality.
The Spirit is more clear to me than any of my other senses. I have tapped into how Heavenly Father speaks to me, and my only rule of life is to be one with my Father in DOing His will. I am in the path of the most trials--and therefore I am on the path that climbs the highest, because the Lord magnifies my abilities to face every trial and turn it only into a positive and a joy. I have bent all my other senses and nature to bow to what the Holy Ghost tells me. I have discovered a realm of existence that is with Jesus Christ and my Father. It is humbling and makes my heart melt seeing how everyone is invited to this place and we will all reach it if we choose it.
There is a Fijian family here that is going to be baptized! I acted on a prompting to talk to a certain person, and because of that one small prompting, this family got taught the gospel and met the missionaries, and they have embraced it and are all sacrificing everything and dropping all to follow Christ to His restored fullness of truth. The mother was a 7th Day Adventist, and was hardening her heart against the missionaries, but then changed one day and decided she is going to be baptized. She has been coming to church! It is great to watch the Lord work in finding His children whose hearts have chosen to be ready and embrace the truth that has come to the earth for the Last Time before the 2nd coming.
The other day we were walking along (since our car is gone,) and my companion was prompted to go down a street I have never even noticed before, and we walked across a bridge and passed a house that the Spirit told me held people the Lord had great plans for. We walked past the house, and a man ran out of the house chasing after us and calling out to us to come back. We turned around and began talking with him. His name was Paul. He said that he had nieces and nephews that used to be members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, and that they are ready to start coming back. We got their information and they would be back after school.
The Lord puts us where we need to be
as we put Him where He needs to be: (First in our life)
3 words I hope God will see as memorializing each of our lives.
These are the words that bring joy.
These are what we should live for--they are how Christ lived and lives.
I am not just preparing to go home and once again live with my Father, God; I am not only preparing for that, for that is a reality that has been promised, but I am preparing to be ready to go purposely much further even beyond that. He is having me plan, live and prepare for all the stages of eternity, not just this life and not just the entrance into the next, but every realm ahead. I am being shaped by embracing the trials that bring me face to face and heart to heart with my Savior Jesus Christ.
We are teaching 4 Japanese investigators. They know nothing at all about Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father and so we are teaching them the most basic things. It is beautiful. I am learning so much Japanese in exchange as well! They are beginning to know their Heavenly Father and to converse with Him. Yesterday, they all woke up at 6am and walked to church with us! They are so impressive!
Don't wait to trust Heavenly Father.
Trust Him now even if your prayer or worry hasn't been visibly answered. It is our trials that give us a chance to show what we will choose. And joy is accessed thereby.
I know for myself that no pain is permanent; but Christ is permanent and abiding with us. The Atonement will see us through all we have to face and go through in this life and bring us triumphantly over all our sorrows and trails--for with the atonement coupled with trials, we rise to who we know we are meant to be, up into the even higher realm of who we really are and who Heavenly Father knows we can unboundedly and exaltedly become.
His love transforms us.
Anyone who keeps walking with the Lord, will make it through and above anything. That is the promise of reality.
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