The Lord used us to cast out and rebuke devils that possessed people and caused them to shake uncontrollably, and for their tongues to be bound so they couldn't speak at all. The Lord used us to rebuke the evil spirits, and heal these children of God as they had faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, He freed them.
The Lord used us to heal the sick, save human mortal and eternal lives, rebuild testimonies, fix broken lives, reclaim the lost sheep of the Savior's fold, strengthen, heal, fix and fortify families, and rekindle their vision of love, hope, and light.
We traveled nearly 1,000 kilometers in our car this past month!
We have 15 new investigating the restored fulness of heavenly Father's eternal gospel. Those in hospitals who had infirmities and evil spirits or unconquerable and uncontrollable ailments, we were God's tools and hands to lift, fix and heal them both physically and spiritually and eternally. They are now discharged and out of the hospital, or being discharged from the hospital this week, free, cured, now the top desire of their hearts is to follow after Christ and be baptized, casting away their false idols and old traditions and beliefs. We were sent 2 Japanese people who are students here in Fiji learning English; and they have been coming to church because Heavenly Father led them there, and we are amazed and impressed by their desire and hunger and willingness toward the Gospel as they excitedly take the first steps to learning who Jesus Christ is. They are reading a Japanese Book of Mormon heavenly Father gave us to give to them, and they treasure it as their most precious possession. We begin teaching them as our first Japanese investigators ever, on this Thursday.
Prophecies the Lord has told me, came true in the fullness of how He in advance foretold and revealed to me it would go. We finally read and write in Hindi. i was given prophecies concerning my wife and future generations. I am now the senior companion as we march on in these last weeks before I train in Hindi and this area. I will receive a new outstanding companion soon.
We are teaching a lady who runs a shop we often go eat at. She loves what she is learning, and we gave her to Mormon Tabernacle Choir CDs and she said she would go play them over the loudspeakers at the Restaurant! She also wants us to come over and teach her whole neighborhood!
These 730 days invested in my 2-year Mission, will positively change and determine the next 730 years of my life. I know that Christ has grand things planned, and as I work with Him, I see them all unfolding as He shows me them, one line at a time.
If we choose to follow Christ, we arrive at the same destination He arrived at. That was His message and invitation to all of mankind. Anyone can choose to be destined to receive of all the Father desires to give His children, even a fullness of all that He hath. We can choose to reach as I as we will.
How we choose it is by living His gospel, and finding our lives and the fullness of how rich and deep life can be, by losing ourselves fully to Him and His joyful work! Daily! And minutely. In each decision that comes day-to-day.
I have never sacrificed or given anything to Heavenly Father. for, every give has been attached to an even greater receive from Him! All things I have consecrated and given unto my Father, He has returned unto me for my blessing, growth and learning, development, progress and advantage.
With all my heart, I invite the whole world to follow Jesus Christ's perfect example and choose His restored gospel. It is the way to true and lasting happiness!
If you're not living in the realm of the impossible, then you're stifling your own growth and you clip wings that could have learned to fly. Live all the way in the realm of whatever is positively uncomfortable for you. Get in new territory, and you'll gain new depths and joys and talents.
Personal revelation flows our way whenever we choose to freely flow His way.
The Lord has invested so much in me; I owe Him nothing less than even as He is. We can be like He is, if we will follow His way and improve daily, relying on the power of Christ's enabling and wonderful gift of the Atonement.
On Thursday last week, Heavenly Father told me early in the morning when I first woke up, that "People who are ready to receive the Gospel, I will put in your path today. Many of them. You are to 'seize' them[the opportunities]."
As the day unfolded, we went to many shops, and people flowed to us, and we shared with everyone the Lord put in our path. 15 or so golden investigators are now opened to coming to church and progressing in the Gospel!
While we were in the market, I was prompted that I needed to go over to a specific bunch of Bananas the Lord showed me, and buy them and share the gospel with the lady selling them. I didn't heed the prompting for some reason, and kept walking. But then my companion turned around and went right over to those exact bananas and out of all the many bunches, he selected the exact bunch the Lord had just previously told me in my mind that I needed to purchase. Struck by this, I immediately began to share with this Fijian woman who was selling them.
The next day she called us. And she has called us every day since. She is one of the most desperate I have yet seen, to hear the gospel and have us come over.
I know and testify that the Lord is ready to use EACH OF US. YOU, RIGHT. NOW.
I testify He is ready to use you right now.
We cannot gain all light and knowledge at once, so we must at once gain some!
There was a woman whose son was killed by being run over by a bus. We were led to her house by the Lord, without us even trying or knowing it was her. She welcomed us in as she was silent and crying, and then she flung herself into my arms and cried. We shared with her that there was no denying that God directed us to her home because He knew her. We had no idea, God just led all the details and there we were. We are teaching her and she is gaining perfect peace.
Whenever we have a hard day that is all against us and impossible, press forward thru, epic just do, and then best and productive day ever it will turn into! I have experienced this 60 times out here!!! I know it's true. if you push through, you'll always get to a higher high than you've ever been to! If you know a high is after the low, then why not cheat and just be happy while in the low?? :)
Beat life!!!
Our investigators Soni and Kirti bore their testimonies in church and in our lesson the other day!! They are so strong! They will be baptized next week! Keep praying for them!!!
I feel very humbled.
I am not bothered by having lost all the photos from my mission so far. I am building something that will outlast as long as any photos of this world ever will. I have no attachment to things that will only last 200 years. I am building something much grander.
At present, I am not able to take anymore pictures on my mission. The viruses here are too powerful and destructive.
I am fasting for all of you, any strength you need, I pray the Lord gives it to you.
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