Sunday, March 29, 2015

Been 6 months!!! Eternal Perspective

I've been out more than 6 months now.

THIS PHASE OF MY LIFE, is not the best one--just the best one so far in my whole entire existence yet, and it's also the one that is setting the trajectory of my entire whole existence and future ahead.

Who I am on my mission will determine who I will be for eternity.  I choose nothing other that what I have always chosen:  To Give it All ALL the way to the One who knows how to make it have no bounds or limits in its' potential and glorious breadth and passion, richness and depth.
Giving all makes it so you receive more than all!  His way is 1095723450834750234x more than worth it!!!
We're truly on earth for a reason.  And it's more glorious than we've ever hoped or fathomed.

Here is a drawing heavenly Father helped me draw this week.  
I drew it for someone here in the area we're working in.  Heavenly Father inspired my hand and my mind as He poured the picture out of my hand.
We come to earth with great divine worth.
We live in earth to prove ourselves worthy for His fullness.
We die to simply step back home and have Joy with our eternal families and our Savior Jesus Christ and beloved Heavenly Parents.
God loves us.  That's why He has provided us His plan.  I know His beautiful perfect gospel is true.  And it's all I choose to live for--and thereby I receive all and more than the best version/potential of my life.  Our choices are what this life is all about.  
So choose things that will most positively affect eternity.

And here is the back of that drawing:
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Read this from God's living prophets today, for more:

This  week, I had a full long conversation with a Japanese girl.  What was remarkable about that, was that we were both speaking fully in Japanese!! I am picking up every language heavenly Father wants me to progress in for His glory and the moving forth of the work of His restored fullness of truth.  I know this work is true and nothing can or will stop it.  I give my entire life for this work--yea, even my entire being I give, for with my entire being, I know the work is true.

I am missing no opportunities the Lord affords me daily.  I am not here to miss my potential and merely achieve a someness.  The Lord can enable each of us to fulfill the unbounded fullness that lies within our power--through His power (if we'll yield our wills and self, so we can then access it freely). 

Even when I have no time at all, He gives me time, and I use it.

No matter how painful and full of trails a day is, and no matter how many people are against me, or attacking me, or no matter how the elements themselves may hedge up the way, I turn to my Heavenly Father and He is my only support... and therefore His joys are all I have, and His ability and power and triumph in all things. 
I have come to know that we must cast all things out of our lives except Him as our only foundation.  And once we do that, then only He can affect us--and all other things in our existence only affect us for positive and joyful and progressive and blessings excruciating and unmeasured in happiness and glory!  As Children of God, He has grander things in store for us than this world can give--so this world is not worth having a bit invested therein.
Choose to drop anything in your life that keeps you from having Him as your only foundation.  Once you do that, then you have a power and joy that cannot be negatively affected by a single circumstance that every happens to you.
Your circumstances won't necessarily change, but you will only be affected positively by them, WHATEVER they be! :)
I am a living witness of this, so I must testify of it's validity.  And that it can only be found in His true, breathing and living church here on earth.
Choose to lift your eyes and you'll love any minute.  Your challenges are taking you higher.  I know it won't be easy, but you came here to earth to get stronger, so be joyful for mountains to climb!  Seek and ask for mountains to climb; ones that are FULLY out of your comfort zone! These things are going to make you better than before; better than you ever were before! 
This week, I got to sing a solo for many hundreds of people.  Heavenly Father blessed my voice to be magnified by Him for His purposes. 
This week, I will get my Fijian Drivers' License.  In driving Stick Shift for the nearly first time ever, and driving on the "wrong" side of the road, the Lord has magnified and blessed all my abilities!  I have been blessed to get the hang of it almost instantly!  I am going to be getting my license this week!  The gift of tongues and the gift of driving are both real ;)
When we run into people that want to marry us and have us take them back to America, we run away.  Yikes. 
This week, my companion and I were walking along sharing the gospel with two people, and I wasn't watching and almost fell down a big hole in the street. The Lord saved me by having the people we were taking to notice for me and almost scream and shout at me.  I was so thankful. I would have broken my leg at least.  The Lord is watching over us.

This week, we were walking along and somehow felt we should go to a bus stop we never go to.  We had only ever been there once before.  We chose to go there.  We got there, and even though there were people across the street and none where we were, we for the first time decided to not go over and share God's message with them.  Instead we stayed put and waited by ourselves.  As we stood there by the side of the road, soon came along a car with a young family.  They stopped and opened their window and said they were in frantic search of missionaries.  They said they are members of the church and were on vacation, and their son almost died with a dire sickness and had to be operated on and all their plans were ruined thereby.  They had been trying to find the missionaries in this foreign country, for a long time.  And now the Lord had put them on a wrong road they hadn't meant to turn on, and they saw us! 
The Lord had put us each in each other's path!  We were able to go to their hotel that night and give each one of them a blessing and heal the son and bless all the other members of the family with blessings from Heavenly Father, of comfort and counsel and love and direction and soothing.
Drop the crutches of being a child of this world, and rise up to your identity as a child of God.  Drop your crutches, and pick up wings.
Now is the exact time to do that.

Only take steps that are painfully positive, and the ones you most don't want to do. For therein exactly lies your highest growth.  Ask for Him to enable you, and then step forward in faith to do, and you will be able to do absolutely literally anything He wills.
I learned this week that a boy in Koroipita (18yr old,) who we taught the other week, is now reading the Book of Mormon to his family and he is progressing beautifully and his testimony is growing wondrously!  He was doing it on his own initiative!  The Lord has prepared His people for His message, in every corner of ever village on the earth this present day. Open your mouth to everyone. 
I learned this week, that being humbled and corrected by the Lord is what makes and keeps us bearing fruit. (Progressing, reaching our potential, being close to Him, being our best self, being usable by Him, etc.,) And being prideful and not seeking His loving direction and chastisement and rebukes in our natural man weaknesses, keeps us from producing or bearing fruit, and our life is a waste and stagnant still.  This is a great key.  There is nothing so sweet as repentance and humbling ones self before the Lord.  For all His corrections are edifying and encouraging and to make us even as He is so we can have all He has and be all we can joyfully be in eternity and now.
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Peace comes through accessing the Savior's Atonement. And there's no other lasting, true way.  You'll find that out the hard way or the easy way.  I invite the easy way be the one you choose today, even this day. Therein lies freedom from our burdens.

We have more people to teach here in this work, than we have time or means for.  They are seeking us out and we are flooded with them.  We are spread thin.  We have to only work with the ones the Lord most wants us to focus on now.  Right now, those ones are also bringing all their friends into the church and converting them to this joy and restored fulness of truth that is flooding literally the entire earth.
This week, Bobby Reddy was baptized!

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This is Bobby.  

He is my hero.  

He has overcome more challenges than anyone I've seen.

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This is him and his family just before his baptism.

And this picture is him triumphing over all his mountains that stood in his way getting to Baptism.  He is truly a miracle baby in the Kingdom of God.  He has become my new hero.  Indeed he has changed his life, and he will be a lifelong strong member.  I love this picture, because now he truly is the king of all his mountains.  Now he can begin building a glorious castle on his mountain.  He is also reaching for the iron rod (fence in the backround) in the picture.

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The Hindi program is going forth brilliantly in every way!  All mountains and walls are falling to the earth.  The God of all has given all His hindi children a flood release of gospel light.  Nothing  can stop this work from progressing.  I know the Lord has put me in this program; even foreordained me to it.  I am humbled to watch the joyful work that lies before all of us.

While Bobby was making his promise with heavenly Father through baptism, and changing his life and forever leaving his burdens and sins and old self behind, I was washed over by the Spirit so strongly in every part of my heart!  I felt like it was my baptism!! When he came out of the water, I enthusiastically burst upon him and hugged him even though I was in Sunday clothes and he was sopping wet!  He bore his testimony and I couldn't contain it!  

My smile almost ripped my face.

  I need a body that can express more joy and enthusiasm!  Face more than ever, and soul more than ever was happy; tops ever!   Right when we walked in the door of our house that night, we fell down and praised the Lord with all we had!  Everyone was there to support Bobby!  He had his nonmember friends there and they were so affected.
Everyone felt it. 
He has changed, and we all desire to follow his example. I bore my testimony to him in English and then later in Hindi.  I know he will change the lives of thousands and that I will see Him in the Celestial Kingdom of God, and we will both hug each other even though then too we will be sopping wet--from all the sweat from climbing all the mountains of our mortal journey--and we will both be king of the mountain.  King of the mountains.  I know he will be a member who is forever and brings in countless others.  I got to sing for him with others at the baptism.  All the people who came, wrote on papers for him, their feelings and impressions and testimonies for him to keep and remember forever.   This is what I came to earth for.  I was foreordained to do this work with my Father.  To bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man, with my Savior Jesus Christ and my Father in Heaven.  Their work is my work.  I have forsaken all else.  He has burst my heart and replaced it with His own.  That's what I came to earth to accomplish.  And now I'm ready to tackle all the eternities ahead.  Humility and prayer and the atonement's power is how. 

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