From the land of every beauty, and every language,
Konichi Wa! Bula Vinaka! Mauri! Namaste! Hello! Rite hai!
This week, we were in the market in town, and were just going to grab a few things and share the gospel with everyone... and then the Lord blessed us to get really really cheap good deals on everything, so we were able to get a whole lot of fresh veggies and fruit, and...
3 Sharks!
We were stunned and surprised to see them being sold in the market.
We stopped and stared... and then said, "Well, let's try a new experience!" And we bought this one gray shark, and 2 hammer-head sharks, all for 5 dollars!
We continued walking on with 3 fins all popping out of our bags, and as we went, a Fijian man stopped us and asked us if we know how to prepare them and cook them. We said we didn't have a clue. He gave us a bunch of advice that didn't actually help us, but, we got to spend a long time together talking about the gospel, and he was so happy! The gospel would have never come to him if we hadn't bought 3 sharks.
We're going back to share with him again in a few days because he wants to read what we gave him and learn so much more.
The Lord works in mysterious ways :)
We got home after sharing the gospel with a whole bunch of other people including our Taxi drivers and everyone who Heavenly Father prepared to be taught by us. Once we were home, we had to leave the sharks sitting in our sink to stink, because we had lessons and meetings to get to right away.
When we came back, I said a prayer and then Heavenly Father guided and inspired me as to how to properly gut and clean and prepare the sharks. I was amazed at how incredible all of His sacred and beautiful creations are in this world.
The sharks are all gutted, cleaned, chopped up, in our freezer, and ready to eat over the next few weeks!
I have learned how to drive! I even drove all over all the back-roads and learned everything about stick and the Lord has magnified all my abilities! Plus, I'm confident now and will be getting my license on Wednesday.
I can now understand literally almost everything Hindi people say. I have now learned the language, and I can lead lessons, teach lessons, answer questions, interpret, read some, write some, ask questions, go on splits where Elder Moka isn't even there to help me in Hindi. He has made me self sufficient to stand on my own 2 feet in the Hindi program and in most everything in our companionship. We are thriving in our closeness with each other and with all our investigators.
I have been speaking near fluently and effortlessly in all 3 languages every day. I can switch between Eng., Fijian and Hindi easily and people understand and enjoy my languages. I am very serious about the work and am progressing faster and higher than ever thanks to Heavenly Father. I have no limits when I'm powered and enabled by Him, and that's exactly what has happened.
We are picking up more and more Hindi investigators. They don't speak much English, so our Hindi speaking is truly sprouting and thriving and flourishing by the day. I am ready to move the kingdom forward in every way the Lord can use me.
Elder Moka and I have such a beyond strong, and perfect, close friendship. We're more than companions. We are more than best friends. We are perfectly unified, in all the indescribable ways me and Elder Nawahine were, and in some other ways too. This has become the most flourishing relationship of laughter, respect, perfect unity, happiness, selfless service and enjoyment I've had my whole mission so far. We love each other. We pray together every hour of the day almost. Every night and every morning, we pray, and then at the end of the day we hug each other sincerely and we always tell each other we love each other and do nothing at all but edify and compliment and build up and improve each other. I have the best companion!!!!!
I am ready for anything the Lord wants! ^_^
We finally got Hindi materials!! In sanscrip hindi symbols!! Pure hindi! Pamphlets and Book of Mormons are flying out to people now every day! We are so excited about these brand new materials that have now started to come for the first time ever! We are using them and the people are so appreciative of them!!
The Lord is flooding us with golden investigators!!
Me and Elder Moka; we love you, we love the Lord, we are eager to do all He requires of us.
In the next couple weeks we will be having an incredible Open House and Devotional for the whole of Lautoka to come tour our Chapel and know what the Church is all about in focuses like Family, Service, Chirst-like Lifestyle, etc. It's going to be a huge success. We are so grateful.
I had someone throw a balloon at my face, and it didn't pop. Haha!
Here is something I read this week about Gratitude:
Confuse Every Trial: Smile!
This week, we had a problem with someone we are teaching. They made choices that have hurt us a lot. I can't say details, but to watch them choose to fall, was one of the darkest and saddest points of my mission. But, now I can testify that fasting works. Fasting turned this darkest point of my mission, right over to the very brightest and excruciatingly joyful point of my mission yet.
That point topped all pains. And when I handed it over to the Savior, He turned it around to top most ALL joys I've ever had in my life.
I testify of what the Atonement of Jesus Christ can do.
Because of Him, all dark, sad, painful, can be turned around for joy and hope and positive change.
I am now coming to the Savior in ways beyond what I've ever known. Jesus Christ and I really are now becoming as close as He always hoped and yearned for. And though I get to experience His pain at watching Heavenly Father's children make sometimes painful wrong choices, I know that is part of coming to know His depth of love.
I fasted for everything this week... we have so many struggles and challenges and people making painful decisions in their lives. Things here in the mission, and things at home. I testify that fasting works true and undeniable miracles. I testify Heavenly Father is there. He is living and literal and personal. His plans are the best.
I have received perfect peace and joy in the midst of every kind of circumstance, pain, trial, challenge, turn of events and all emotions and situations. And I can testify that He hears every word of your prayers. And I can testify that we can have true, rich, shining, full, lasting, deep, real, tangible joy and happiness and peace regardless of our circumstances.
That comes through turning to Christ and living His gospel with all our hearts in all things. Then all things only effect us positively.
In this work, all we need to do is be ready to be used. It is the Holy Ghost that does all the work through us. This work really isn't mine. It really isn't me. I'm His hands.
At the beginning of Tuesday, it was the darkest day of my mission yet. And by the end of the day, literally everything had 100% switched around to the most exquisite joy I've had on my mission yet. And through it all, I was joyful.
Fasting changed everything. It changed people's attitudes. It filled my hungry soul. It is one way to empty yourself of unrighteousness so you can be filled with the Holy ghost. Fasting is the way to "hunger and thirst after righteousness," as the Savior taught.
Salvation is certainly not a cheap experience at all. It is joyful. It is exhilarating. It is our work and our glory, to work with the Father to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of His children.
At the end of the day, the Lord had worked everything for good; and people's hearts and situations were on the path to being changed fully. When we walked in the door at the end of the day, we fell on our knees and cried unto the Lord, praising and thanking Him, with overflowing souls and hearts.
It'll be interesting to see how the Celestial Kingdom can top this joy I felt. Yet I know it's a reality awaiting. My joy tank is brimmed and stocked for years! Haha! It was joy I didn't know mortals were capable of experiencing!
This work requires everything.
And I'm willing to give it.
Love is my motive.
Because He Lives; I can do all things.
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