Monday, March 9, 2015

Three Languages...and counting!!!

​Last week I was speaking in 3 languages every hour of the day.  Pretty much, I think in 3 languages.

This week, I'm picking up 2 more languages.

I'm learning Japanese and Rotuman
But these aren't languages I have been called to officially teach and share in.  I have just started picking them up on my own initiative because I am fueled by the absolute knowledge that as a son of personal and literal heavenly Father, I have no limits at all.  I can reach my fullness of unbounded potential.  I can help more people by knowing more languages.  I'm here in Fiji to touch every individual Heavenly Father can possibly use me to bless in any way or degree fathomable--nothing less; possibly more.  

The Hindi people are so surprised and impressed by how well my companion and I speak Hindi.  We have truly been given the very real Gift of Tongues spoken of in the Scriptures, and by prophets ancient and modern.  I know the Lord is the reason.  He is the power.  He is my best and most constant friend.

I truly believe that by the end of this month, I will be able to teach entire lessons about the Purpose of Life and the Restored fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and all the truths of Eternity, the Plan of Happiness, all in just Fiji-Hindi.  Not English.

The Lord is supporting me in this inspired goal I have.  To show it, He caused something to happen to my English badge the other day.  I picked it up and somehow the words had been melted and distorted! I was very surprised!  That only happened to my English badge though! Haha!  It's a deep message. :)  Goodbye English!!!

Just kidding--I'm pretty sure I'll still be able to communicate with everyone when I come home.  If not, I'll just speak through my drawing and singing.  No worries.

I got a virus on my camera that made it so all my pictures I've taken on my whole mission so far, were all gone.  I was just happy.  I turned it right immediately over to the Atonement of Jesus Christ, and He sent it back to me as a blessing because I had the instant faith to hand it right over to Him.  My happiness is beyond the reach of anything to uproot or tarnish or take even a degree away.  My happiness, joy, peace and progress in my existence of thrivety, are like a virus themselves!!! Nothing can stop them and they've hacked my whole life down to the very smallest aspects and details.

This is what the Gospel of Jesus Christ does!  It gives us  a happiness that the world cannot give you any of; and that the world therefore cannot take away even a degree of--because the world didn't give it to you! :) 

After this, then my companion and I were happily talking about it, and he told me that all my files are actually all still there. It's a common virus in Fiji, that just makes it so they're all hidden and the computer doesn't actually show them.  They're all still there!  Yay! But that's not why I'm happy.  I'm happy because I have something more valuable than all the most beautiful pictures anyone could ever have  of the most precious memories imaginable--I have a joy and happiness and depth of purpose and meaning that surpasses all thing this world possesses or highest has ability to offer!

I possess something that surpasses all things in this world.  I possess a fullness of truth directly from my Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ!It's simply the reason for happiness.
It's simply the reason for every good thing.

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