Sunday, September 27, 2015

(HELP!) Serve All Love All

Hey!  I wanted to let you know that I need your help: make someone smile.  If you and I do that by going out of our comfort zone each moment we have today, we can make a lasting difference and touch 1000's.  

I am busier than ever.  Haha, that is all I can say this week. We are working with 12 amazing people who are choosing to follow Jesus Christ by accepting His invitation to be Baptized and live more like Him and happier than ever.  We have such amazing and inspiring people we are blessed to work with, over 60 of them.  Amazing families and individuals we are blessed to help on their journeys to becoming Eternal Families and becoming perfect even as Christ and Heavenly Father.  There isn't a more beautiful work and a more important one in all the earth, than that work in which you and I are engaged.  I know this work is true.  I am watching the Lord do wonders of Biblical proportion and tell people in dreams and visions and by His eternal loving hand the way  to this Restored Gospel.  We are working with many families to get to the Temple and have their families become together forever.  

As a District Leader, and with the incredible workload that is upon my companion and I, we are busy every minute of every day.  I can honestly say I mean that literally.  It is a blessing to be in the service of my fellow brothers and sisters in the mission and be able to help them in deeper and more meaningful ways than ever before.  

The greatest insight I gained this week was probably the following:
When I serve others, I give pieces of myself away.  I give pieces of myself that don't come back.  Those things we give of ourselves, are the outer shell of our lesser self; and as they are pealed away one fully giving-of-self-act at a time, the most glorious version of ourself is THEREBY unveiled, revealed, obscured.  Give of yourself in ways that are entirely selfless and influenced by thoughts and feelings fixed on Christ rather than anything else, and you'll watch all the dark scales of your lesser self fade and chip away to reveal the leader and Christlike divine being you eternally are.  Give of yourself in every way, and the real you will be revealed from each act of service.  Those pieces you give of yourself, really are you giving yourself the greatest you you came to earth to become. 

Christ is our only model for how we can become all we can.  

It's simple, but it's my testimony.   It is true.  Christ is all we should model our self-vision to.  We can become all He's seen in and able to make of us.  I testify He'll make you the best you, if you'll give Him the whole you... He'll transform everything. 

Give Him all. 

That's Happiness. 

That's my challenge. 

I send my love, I beg you to tell me what I can do to lift your life.  That's my job; to be there for you; someone I love.   We are family.

We are Christ's hands.  

The Light of the World, has called you to be the Light of the World. 

Time to be a light! 

In the name of Jesus Christ, amen. 

 Here is a picture of our old flat, and then the new one we are moving into today.

Rachel and Shaun (2 of our Bap.Dates,) are progressing better than I have yet seen people do before in my mission experience!  They have come to church 3 times and developed relationships with members and gained testimonies of their own and accepted everything the Lord has challenged them to change in their lives, and they always return our pamphlets like this(see attached photo)!!! 

And they have brought us 5 FAMILIES who we are now about to start teaching.  They give out Restoration Pamphlets to people at their old church!  They're incredible.  

We had 10 Investigators to church last Sunday.  Each one is incredible and full of promise.  They are serious about their progress and felt the Spirit strong--they are each changing their lives.  

Asmin Bibi is a dear Hindi lady we are teaching who is giving up everything in her life to receive the Restored Gospel.  We come to teach her, and she tells us about dreams and visions she had to be Baptized; what she must do in order to overcome all the incredible opposition that she faces in this path, and is soooooo strongly overcoming all trials. 

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