Sunday, September 20, 2015

Do You Want to Thrive?

Hey, I wanted to see how your life is going!  How are you? 

This is Elder Howard, and I only have 15 minutes but wanted to know how you are doing and let you know what I've been up to here in the BEAUTIFUL ISLANDS of Fiji.  

First, send me an email of any way I can help you or anything I can pray for you.  If you're facing something hard in your life or just want a friend--that's my calling and that's why we're friends.  You're my family and I'm here for YOU.  

The work in the mission is going GREAT!   REALLY great! (:  I am beside myself as I in awe look at the miracles that have happened this week, and just wish I had the time to share them all!  

But I have to send some pictures, so, here you have it:

Here is a picture of my Spanish Sombrero I got to wear while I spoke Spanish and ate in probably Fiji's only Mexican place.

I also wanted to send you some pictures so you can see what it's like here.  This is one of the places we work in, and is a pretty good representation of what my surroundings very often look like, and one of the dear families we visit.

This is the view from the back of the house of one of our very dear friends who we are teaching, who is eagerly moving toward Baptism in the coming week....  

This next picture was what they did in response to our assignment for them to do in our lessons.  They wrote an essay pretty much!!!! We were shocked and delighted to say the least!  They are changing their lives, and changing ours, by following Jesus Christ and learning about the fullness of His restored Gospel.  Their next follow up assignment was even more impressive!  They are just so inspiring.  The Lord really blesses us as we seek out who He has prepared.  He has promised we will become like Him, we able to reach anything, and we'll reach every righteous desire ultimately, if we will just never stop keeping on forward in His best ways side by side with Him; lifting those He has put around us today.  The only way we can ever fail is to stop being willing to take one more step forward.  Walk in the Light.  We're all invited and welcome!  Christ has a better version of our life and self waiting if we'll be willing to trade in our old/current version. (:

We have 6 amazing people who are about to be Baptized, whom we are loving, learning from, and enjoying our time with.  The Lord's work works when we work hard with Him and have fun doing it!  There are people out there just for you, that are meant just for you to lift and bless--and when you lift and bless them, that will change you to all you want to make of yourself, and the best life you can envision... so why do any less?  Get out there and follow a feeling that leads you to do or say good towards another.

I testify that the Restored Gospel is true.  Thomas S Monson is Jesus Christ's chosen prophet, and He really does speak to this prophet.  I am grateful for my Savior Jesus Christ and His love and His church.  It is the full and complete road to achieving the most full and complete life!  So try it out; I challenge you to stop letting things keep you where you're at when you could move forward and upward.  Know my prayers will see you to it, and I'll be there and so will Christ to help you thru it.  I know this is true.  I know there's a grand mission God has, that is just meant for you: and that mission is to learn what a joy it is to give every piece of yourself to lifting and blessing others!  This is what Christ has shown us how to do!  I share this short and simple bits of light and thanks toward our Heavenly Father and you, and send these things your way with all my love!  In the name of Jesus Christ, amen. 

Elder Howard

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