Sunday, July 5, 2015

Someone Must Stand

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Many sacred things happened this week.  The heavens are not closed--and God is certainly on top of absolutely everything.  I will share what I am able to.

Transfers didn't move me or my companion.  We remain in Lautoka Hindi area! :)
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It was after a big Zone Training Meeting where maybe 20-40 missionaries come over and have a meeting to discuss and organize the work and set goals and give trainings and build unity in the mission.

Me, my companion, and about 10 other missionaries all walked to town to one of our favorite restaurants to eat lunch.  We have investigators there whom we are teaching, and who are outstanding people.

This food place usually plays very worldly and crude music--which has very offensive and explicit lyrics.  Usually everyone ignores it and allows it to continue on while they eat and talk.

Everyone was just moving on with their meals and letting it continue... and Heavenly Father instilled a passion and fire in me that taught me something that has now become me--who I am.

That was this: that I am on earth to positively and righteously act; to be an influence and affect those things Father places me accordingly to affect.  No situation I am ever in is for me to just allow darkness in and not turn on light--for the power is in my and I am an agent of my Savior who lives and empowers me.

I realized, someone must get up.  We are children of God, children of Light, children of eternal, divine nature and glory and potential and promise... we are only meant to stand and act upon the world for righteousness.

Someone must stand.

I chose to stand.

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I stood up and walked over to the counter and approached the workers to please change the music.  I did it kindly, but firmly and apologetically.  The manager wasn't in at the time, and they said they would have to wait till he was back.

I approached him as soon as possible and handed him a Mormon Tabernacle Choir CD and asked if he could play it over to loudspeakers instead of this current music.

I didn't know what his answer would be--only knew what God's opinion was, and what He had prompted me to do.

The boss said yes!

He convinced his employees to put the CD in, and for the entire time we were there from then on, songs like "Nearer My God to Thee," "Be Still My Soul," "Sweet River," and others about the Savior and Heavenly Father and their love, filled the room and the many customers calmly listened and were affected.

The atmosphere of the room changed.

It felt as if we were teaching 12 lessons at one time.  The Lord was able to speak to each individual personally by His spirit and love, and we were able to bask in watching the affects of a choice we could have just brushed over and missed.

Our covenants to God make it so we have to actively always be a real agent for good.  You are a thing to act; that means you are to take all the things that are to be acted upon and act upon \all of them for good.

We are upon earth to be bold and just as out there and unashamed as sin is in its blatant assaults in our time.  We must stand as shining as our Father would if He were in our place, for we represent Him in our character and actions--for we are His children and if we will prove ourselves for this short time, He has promised to give us all He hath, even a fullness of exaltation with our families and the Lord Himself in the eternal glories He hath prepared for the valiant and faithful in these most trying, refining, defining and testing days.

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I also learned, that God gives us gifts for a reason beyond all material matter itself--that is that He only gives us gifts for these gifts to multiply; and all gifts from God only multiply if you give them away for others and Him.  Serving Him is the most selfish thing you could do, in the end. :)  He gives those gifts to us, only which He sees will enable us to give.  And this so we can learn the happiest secrets He has to offer the children who will follow after His example and thereby prepare themselves to be rulers over many things which He will then entrust to them once they learn these lessons of giving all and holding back none.

I have been able to look over my entire life these past few weeks.  Heavenly Father has been showing me who I once was as a child, and how far I have come.  It is like watching seeds be planted, and then coming back 15 years later and seeing a forest of thriving trees, firmly rooted and bearing fruit and seeds of their own.  The Lord withholds no good thing from those who withhold nothing from Him--and only with the help of the Savior's atonement can we really give acceptable offerings, for I am unworthy of myself, truly.  The Lord is the Master Gardener of my life.

Heavenly Father is really changing my pliable heart.

We have baptisms coming up and miracles every day

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