Look for His hand--where it was today; and this will anchor you to Him and to the depth of happiness that the world's adversity won't ever be able to shake from you.
Christ is a foundation and an anchor, and all other things aside from Him will fall and fail. We must be firmly attached to Him, if the most precious fruits of life are to blossom and be enjoyed in us.
I bought a new camera. The Lord blessed me to get a really good deal on it. He has been kind in restoring this talent back to use for me.
I have learned anew this week how we really need to live for nothing but Christ. No other motive. No other topic. No other foundation. No other thoughts. No other acts. No other motivations. No other friendships above this most imperative one. Try it; it's what we are for. For only by this route will we reach all the light of life, all the truth of existence, all the meaning and joy and character growth our time has to offer us on this earth, and only this route will take us to who we really truly are and give us an identity that can never fade throughout all the passages of time and eternities with our families and loved ones.
The best thing we can do, is point people to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, repentance or changing their lives to a higher plane of joy and freedom through His Atonement, and baptism into His kingdom, the only true and living church upon the face of the whole earth, to be sanctified and transformed into men and women for the eternities, by the reception of the Gift of the Holy Ghost by those who are in authority in this restored fullness of truth God has once again given to men in this church in these last days.
Be who Heavenly Father highest created you to gloriously be! That comes from losing yourself to His will and changing your nature and very being, to be shaped into His masterpiece.
It feels so good to stand up for what is right, boldly--even if you are weak and don't exactly know how to do it.. I have decided boldness and passion and both for Christ and right, are what I will make my life. You won't see me hesitate or fear man, but you will see me stand up and live passionately and do God's will.
It has been like winter here! The Fijians are freezing. I feel pretty fine.. but it is my first time being in weather like this while only wearing a skirt and no pants... haha. The joys of serving in Fiji!
Trials come upon you because God has in His design to refine you and make you pure. I do not pray that God will take from me the very experiences and trials which He has designed to improve me. I submit to them (Mosiah 3:19) and learn from them, and trust them as having come from an all-wise and loving Father. I allow trials to work in me a more excellent wight of glory. I bear well my trials, and learn to examine them. For there will come a day when I will understand all.
How do we really come unto Christ? 1)Desire/Faith2)Obedience3)Do His works4)Repent5)Learn of Him in the Scriptures
for 5 I have found great things in the index of the scriptures under "Jesus Christ" that have brought me unto Him.
Trails are now my friend and joy, I partner with them and my Savior and these very things are what make me become more like God in nature, desires and possibilities.
I enjoy knowing this perfectly, that I am best where I am not comfortable, for only from there will I grow. I don't live for comfort, I live for joy which is only developed in Adversity teamed with faithful righteous effort and choices.
If we stop reading the Book of Mormon, we will fall. I testify that we need to hold tightly to the Book of Mormon and the Holy Bible, for here is how we can never fall. It must MUST be daily, or we will WILL fall.
I may seek the hardest endeavors life has to offer, for only these yield the most precious fruit. I will prove to Heavenly Father that I only want His most precious fruit, by cultivating every seed He has placed and is placing in me. Adversity is the only conditions that are stimulative to godly growth and refinement to joy unbreakable.
Christ's Atonement is becoming all I breathe, think, am, teach, choose to use, access and love.
I have been speaking more Hindi than Elder Singh. He wants to learn better English, so we have swapped languages. My Hindi is like native. I acknowledge fully that this is all from Him.
I love you.
We will see what the Lord has in store for transfers this week.
_Elder Howard
The Refiner's Fire is Real Everyone has to watch this. It's my message this week to you.
We went to the church farm here and harvested kasava
>>>The Refiner's Fire is Real <<< Really, watch this! It's my message this week to you.
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