Sunday, December 14, 2014

Pictures! And Be Sure to Share the Gift!

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Me crossing a river to a hut in a village

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Me lying on the floor of a member's home.  Ate so much, I had to lay down and just digest.  (Just kidding.  I can eat endlessly without it ever being too much. It's a really handy skill to have in this culture.)  I've been trying my hardest to gain weight, but nothing happens but muscle building!  It's awesome!  I'm going to come home black from the sun, and buff from... everything.
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Dinner I made my companion while he had worms eating his brain.
The name of the pan of rice that's smiling, is Alfred Marau Edible.  We ate his brains. I considered putting a noodle inside of Alfred, so that my companion could kill the worm in his brain. 

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a morning view out my bedroom in the flat in the Bau area here in Viti Levu.

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Random note that has nothing to do with these pictures: My companion is from Hawaii.  We are close as eternal family.  He's the man.  <<<  Great video! Please watch and share!

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This spider is my friend.  He lives in my bathroom!
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