Hey! It's Elda Brandon Scott Howard, of the Fiji Suva Mission!
This has literally been the best week of my entire existence so far! Thanks to this gospel of Jesus Christ, every new day--(&every new week)--of my life is ridiculously and unstoppably, superly joyful and better than the last!!! And this, regardless of circumstances or what trials or difficulties or dangers or illness or disappointment I may EVER face!!!
Isn't this the kind of message the world needs? Each eternal and beloved Child of our great and personal, loving Heavenly Father--each one hungers and yearsfor this!!!!
I can testify it works! It's real! It's lasting and deep ridiculous happiness and meaning and answers to ALL of life's great questions--all the questions your soul hungers for and wishes there were answers to.
Heavenly Father Himself has spoken again in our day and restored personally, all these truths and all that each soul wants and hungers for. Living prophets who Christ Himself leads and directs and speaks with, lead His church. The fullness of the gospel is fully true, and each may know for himself, directly from God the Eternal Father.
Heavenly Father Himself has spoken again in our day and restored personally, all these truths and all that each soul wants and hungers for. Living prophets who Christ Himself leads and directs and speaks with, lead His church. The fullness of the gospel is fully true, and each may know for himself, directly from God the Eternal Father.
THIS is what 88,000 joyful, humble, simple, happy young men and women just like me, are doing all over the world at this moment; sharing this gospel, for 2 full years of their lives. Volunteering at their own expense and support, to forgo all other interests and go out and share this message. To bless individuals and families! The message is true and Heavenly Father has prepared it for you, to bless your family now and in eternity!
www.mormon.org, www.lds.org
Please, Ask any missionary in your area! Ask any member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints! Ask me!
www.mormon.org, www.lds.org
Please, Ask any missionary in your area! Ask any member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints! Ask me!
Life is beyond fantastic!!!
Some keys on how to get along and be perfectly friends with ANYONE:
I get along perfectly and fully with anyone and everyone Heavenly Father puts in my path. I get along so wonderfully and fully with any companion Heavenly Father sends me to, thanks to His enabling power and sanctifying Spirit. When we go on exchanges every week, with other areas, and I get to be with other Elders, they sometimes go into it apprehensive and expecting to not get along. But I pray, smile, am filled with His love for them, serve them with all my joy, love, and heart, and they are taken aback! They are then filled with the Spirit, and return whatever I send around. Heavenly Father has taught me, just like in General Conference as they said, "It takes two to contend, and I will never be one of them." Love your companion too much! Serve them too selflessly and too much! Pray for them by name. Pray with them. Only look at their good and beautiful and admirable--and compliment it and comment about it glowingly, and then they have no desire but to live up to your view of them! They become what you tell them you admire about them! They choose to use their own agency to be those positive things they now believe they are and can be! It's beautiful to watch Heavenly Father work with each individual! The enabling and strengthening power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, and the Sanctifying power of the Holy Ghost, make it so that it's impossible to not get along with any individual, regardless of anything-- if these two powers are flooding everything else out, there's only room for light and grace and unity. Also, people don't care how much you know until they know how much you care--so when you choose to not care about your pride and your "being right," and advocating your own viewpoint and being stubborn, you're choosing to be hated by and to hate them. But if you only care about seeing things through their eyes and putting you and them, out of your shoes and in theirs, then they respect you when they see you doing that. They respect you only caring about their viewpoint and shoes, so much that they will jump equally over to your viewpoint and in your shoes! That always works! That's how I reach oneness and unity with each and any child of God.
That's one of my favorite things Heavenly Father told me this week!!!!!
Me and Elda Nawahine have decided we want to lead the entire mission in numbers and joy and success. He says his whole view on life and response to anything that ever happens, has changed completely. He is now grateful for everything good or bad that happens, and he's constantly and unendingly ridiculously happy like me now! Our influence upon others, changes them! Christ told us to shine, so that others could catch on fire from our blaze! What a joy this restored gospel is!
I burn with testimony of this work! It's an eternal fire! I am fully here! I am fully being used by Heavenly Father, and I love seeing His miracles and hand undeniably and unmistakeable in each hour of each day!
Some keys on how to get along and be perfectly friends with ANYONE:
I get along perfectly and fully with anyone and everyone Heavenly Father puts in my path. I get along so wonderfully and fully with any companion Heavenly Father sends me to, thanks to His enabling power and sanctifying Spirit. When we go on exchanges every week, with other areas, and I get to be with other Elders, they sometimes go into it apprehensive and expecting to not get along. But I pray, smile, am filled with His love for them, serve them with all my joy, love, and heart, and they are taken aback! They are then filled with the Spirit, and return whatever I send around. Heavenly Father has taught me, just like in General Conference as they said, "It takes two to contend, and I will never be one of them." Love your companion too much! Serve them too selflessly and too much! Pray for them by name. Pray with them. Only look at their good and beautiful and admirable--and compliment it and comment about it glowingly, and then they have no desire but to live up to your view of them! They become what you tell them you admire about them! They choose to use their own agency to be those positive things they now believe they are and can be! It's beautiful to watch Heavenly Father work with each individual! The enabling and strengthening power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, and the Sanctifying power of the Holy Ghost, make it so that it's impossible to not get along with any individual, regardless of anything-- if these two powers are flooding everything else out, there's only room for light and grace and unity. Also, people don't care how much you know until they know how much you care--so when you choose to not care about your pride and your "being right," and advocating your own viewpoint and being stubborn, you're choosing to be hated by and to hate them. But if you only care about seeing things through their eyes and putting you and them, out of your shoes and in theirs, then they respect you when they see you doing that. They respect you only caring about their viewpoint and shoes, so much that they will jump equally over to your viewpoint and in your shoes! That always works! That's how I reach oneness and unity with each and any child of God.
That's one of my favorite things Heavenly Father told me this week!!!!!
Me and Elda Nawahine have decided we want to lead the entire mission in numbers and joy and success. He says his whole view on life and response to anything that ever happens, has changed completely. He is now grateful for everything good or bad that happens, and he's constantly and unendingly ridiculously happy like me now! Our influence upon others, changes them! Christ told us to shine, so that others could catch on fire from our blaze! What a joy this restored gospel is!
I burn with testimony of this work! It's an eternal fire! I am fully here! I am fully being used by Heavenly Father, and I love seeing His miracles and hand undeniably and unmistakeable in each hour of each day!
One of these pictures is my room. I won't tell you which. ![](https://mail.google.com/mail/e/330)
Last Monday, I bought a backpack(those are allowed in this mission,) and a big sandwich. While buying the backpack, I was prompted to share the gospel with the Fijian lady who helped me choose the backpack in the store I got it from. I went back in the store to find her and share the gospel with her, and went up to someone who looked so much like her--so much that I thought it was her--and I shared it with this person. Then, I realized it was a different person! Heavenly Father had aligned all the details, for this lady to wear the same random dress and be in the same store and look so much like the person I was intending to share the gospel with--so that she could get the gospel! He's in control of ALL the awesome small details. We can trust Him fully and completely. Give Him your life, completely and wholly. DON'T hold anything back! I promise He can make 435645645745635454x more out of you than you even highest hope and dream of making of your life and self. His way is better! I promise without hesitation or reservation!
Then, I got on a bus to go to our next destination. I shared the gospel with a wonderful Hindi man, but in getting off the bus, I forgot about my backpack and sandwich!! When I realized this, I chose to be grateful and happy and amused. We can choose joy in any moment, all the time!! So why not always choose it!!!? Why choose anything other than gratitude and joy? CHOOSE JOY, IN EACH MOMENT YOU EVER FIND YOURSELF!
I may have lost a $40.00 backpack and a huge sandwich, but I traded it for that guys eternal joy and salvation! Joyful awesome trade, if you ask me!
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