From the joyful and balmy islands of Fiji, MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY 2015!!!!
Literally every moment we find ourselves in, there's a full and glorious potential of LIGHT, Happiness, Joy, and Oneness with our Heavenly Father that can be achieved.
Jesus Christ's beautiful gospel enables each of us divine and eternal children of our beloved Heavenly Father, to have all the tools and enabling strength and joy and power we need, to make that potential be FULLY AND AWESOMELY realized. --That potential that lays dormant in each of our given moments of this current phase of Eternal Life.You, as a Child of that Supreme Being--your personal and loving, eternal Father--have the destiny, right, and joyful opportunity to make ALL of your potential a reality!
I believe and know from this gospel and personal experience, that, we all on earth (Our Heavenly Father's eternal and divine Children,) are meant --even destined--to reach our full potential! That's why Heavenly Father provided the Plan of Salvation which answers questions such as, "Where did I come from?," "Why am I here on earth..what is the purpose of my life?," "Where do I go after I die?," And "How can I know... for sure, from my Heavenly Father, what is true- Really true?"
You're here to, & meant to, reach all of it!
Not just some!
You can choose, however, not to reach all of it.
I'm 8,000 miles away from home, for 2 whole focused and hard working, joyful work because this message has given me that; and it works! In every life of God's individual children.
Every morning, I choose joy. I believe the morning holds the potential of the rest of your day. You can decide how GREAT that day will be--by Choosing These 3 Things:
- Pray. Pray, from the heart. Know Heavenly Father loves you more than you hope. I testify He does. He is aware of you. He cares about you, and nothing you could tell Him could make Him love you less--only more. He hears EVERY word. He does everything to bless you lastingly and eternally for your good, if you trust His love and exercise faith in His Son, Jesus Christ. Pray. Pray for and ask for, earnestly, His enabling power and strength to be with you and magnify you. Let Him know you ask for these things so that you may live fully pure and pleasing and worthy before Him for ONE day. And at the end of the day, having drawn upon the enabling and strengthening power from Him and Christ's Atonement, thank Him. And then repeat the next day!
This will change the whole day. This is a choice that determines the quality and joy of your day.
- Smile ridiculously big!!! SMILE FROM YOUR SOUL--AND MEEEEAAAAAAN IT! Stick with it and stick it to your face and don't put it off or down until 3 minutes are up. Know that thanks to your knowledge of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ, you are not governed by your circumstances, so no matter what comes in the day, you can CHOOSE JOY. At every moment. This exercise will fill you with gratitude and light which will point you to your Heavenly Father. This sets the direction for the rest of your entire day.
And the third step?
I Challenge YOU
To try this out! It's so easy! And I promise you blessings if you exercise faith and put this to the test.
Lasting happiness comes from the gospel of Jesus Christ.
That's why we're all here.
And our souls hunger and thirst until we find it and live it.
I testify of these things.
My happiness thanks to this restored gospel, is to the point where nothing can take away my ridiculous happiness! I mean it; my mood, my circumstances, conditions, surroundings, things others do or say, injury, "loss," pain, even mistakes! None of these "have power to drag me down to the gulf of misery and endless woe."(Helaman 5:12, Book of Mormon.) Because I know Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, and from knowing Them, I know Heavenly Father is the Author of every encouraging & hope-filled, improving, moving upward & forward, loved & loving & repenting & productive, Christ-centered thought! And I use my Agency He's given me (the power to choose,) to choose these things. Christ is the reason I'm able to be happy regardless of anything.