Sunday, July 10, 2016

90Challenge:Only Gifts that Keep On Giving

From the Beautiful Region of Savusavu, Fiji,

Bula Re!

We have been experiencing the greatest high Labasa has had our entire service here so far. Returning Members and Recent Converts are becoming Branch Missionaries, Sunday School Presidents, Referral Generators, Faithful Members ready for Christ's 2nd Coming.

 We have been fasting, reading the Consecrated Missionary talk daily(hanging on the wash mirror to be read every hour), sacrificing with our eyes fixed on the vision, practicing one minute trade off's in teaching, and working with the Branch very closely; and it has paid off.  

We have found 10+ Less Actives that now desire to go through full Re-Activation and go to the Temple.  We now have a goal with them: be sealed to their family in the Temple finally.  The whole families are finally coming back to church and aiming toward the Temple all together for the first time.   Teaching Christ's path and strength blessed to us possible through Atonement, is changing lives. 

We have 3 solid Baptismal Dates.  One wants to prepare to Serve a Mission as soon as possible as well.  August is also on fire.  Repentance is a real principle of power and promise.  As I feel it work daily first within, then outward, the whole world and everything in sight is swallowed up in light.    

Daily I wake up and after prayer, comp prayer, exercise, breakfast, I start Personal Study a bit early to write my testimony in 2 copies of the Book of Mormon, and I don't let the sun set on that day without giving the two out; as well as inviting at least one child of God to Baptism daily; 5 Golden Investigators newly met and begun on the path.  Those small and simple things I mentioned last email are breathing power into everything. 

As I write this, tears are in my eyes. Fire is pulsing, burning, consuming my heart.  I know who I am.  Absolute truth that can't be denied shines like rays of lightning out of my soul.  This is the heart of a Mission's result; the heart of the Missionary.  Live closer to the Spirit every day.

The more darkness, doubt, pain, heartache, destruction, sorrow, burdens fill this world, if we cleave unto Christ's Atonement like never before, then, the more light, power, joy, triumph, heaven's image in ones' own countenance, transformation, service to humanity, exaltation, faith, fulfillment, awareness, glory, pure love and the best gifts fill forever within, and the end result we set out to this world for the purpose of attaining... becomes not just "ours;" it becomes us.  We become in the perfect image of Christ, for ever more.

The level to which we live or die, fall or fly, shy or try, triumphantly overcome all things and attain all that the Father hath; join-heirs with Christ (Romans 8:16-18; Revelations 2,) depends on the level to which we look to Christ and live.  You have some #1 priorities in life.  I would challenge you to change them in a painful way.  Overthrow the rulers of your life that are anything but full heart His in His hands.  That will take your heart and all you've got; but it will give you the heart He destines best for your eternal full potential.

 Heart of the Missionary. Live closer to the Spirit every day

A Dedicated Team Filled with Fire, Passion, Purpose, 
Labasa Hindi Companionship, Branch, and Elder,
Elder Howard

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