Sunday, March 6, 2016

Won't Recognize Me

Due to the Cyclone that has destroyed the nation, I haven't been able to send out a good email in 2 weeks.  Now, due to the number of people I am responsible for here and the work that needs to be done, I have to keep it simple for the 3rd week in a row.  I will share with you a detailed account of all this after my mission or next week. 

At the performance of thousands of youth for the Prophet before the Temple was Dedicated, the most satisfying thing was to with joy see my beloved recent converts performing!  How far they have come and all they are. 

I have gone through almost the whole variety of life's challenges on one level or another now... I have seen that the Savior is perfect and can make us perfect.  He doesn't care what we go through as much as He cares about the end result of what it will make us.  See you are becoming, and trust Him by having all your actions be full of faith, hope and pure love. 

The only true greatness is that to be as pure as a child.

The Spirit's potential is unlimited.  The body's potential is limited.  But the potential of the soul is only limited by the body's ability/capability to yield to the spirit.  Don't sacrifice what you want most for what you want now.

We haven't always have food, water or power, and many don't have homes. 

My life is dedicated to bringing others JOY that fills them, lasts, and that they can then share.

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