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Summarized: Sweaty Blood Tears. Category 5 Hurricane sent our nation back 2 centuries temporarily. We had to mobilize into emergency mode and I had to secure save the lives of missionaries under my stewardship. We were locked down in our house afraid the windows would explode. It sounded like a massive wave ready to pound on the beach just before it slams down in impact, except that that sound never stopped. Dog bit my eyeball. You have no idea the truths that have been revealed, the miracles that have taken place, the power that has hit this nation, and the amount of souls coming unto Christ in the work here. I have no power to convey it to you through typed words only your eyes can see. If you could be present with me! Oh if you could see! I would have to go deeper than any of these communication channels can convey. A living prophet of God who speaks with Him face to face, visited us, rivetted me with a constant stare from a distance of just less than 10 feet for 15 minutes, and angels were round about us in glorious celebrations and dangerous evacuations. I will try to share what I am able and allowed to.
I can say that there is a bigger perspective of this life you are in and living than you ever thought. You will come to wake up just as soon as you'll be willing and humble enough to be ready and see the big eternal realities of eternity. If you haven't already, you will have the faith to seek out from Missionaries serving like me. We have sacrificed our lives and all we are, and our very futures and every hour of 2 years, and 10,000 beads of sweat and 10,000 tons of love, aching, care, passion that consume our whole hearts and being... here to help you be ready and to know The Savior, Jesus the Living Christ--the Creator of everything we know. A day of drastic change and transformation is the one you and I are to now. We must come unto the Savior Jesus Christ now and find Him--for now I know and must call out to every reach of the globe: He is an actual living, breathing, talking, physical, glorious, eternal resurrected personage of love and reality. This message I am 12,000km away from home sharing for 2 years is not a story or something I have one shadow of doubt about in any reach of my entire being. I raise my voice unto all the world: the message I share is true. This church and gospel haven't been restored by any person--my message really is direct from God the Eternal Father and Jesus Christ. They are real, actual Beings that are familiar to your heart and soul.
Summarized: Sweaty Blood Tears. Category 5 Hurricane sent our nation back 2 centuries temporarily. We had to mobilize into emergency mode and I had to secure save the lives of missionaries under my stewardship. We were locked down in our house afraid the windows would explode. It sounded like a massive wave ready to pound on the beach just before it slams down in impact, except that that sound never stopped. Dog bit my eyeball. You have no idea the truths that have been revealed, the miracles that have taken place, the power that has hit this nation, and the amount of souls coming unto Christ in the work here. I have no power to convey it to you through typed words only your eyes can see. If you could be present with me! Oh if you could see! I would have to go deeper than any of these communication channels can convey. A living prophet of God who speaks with Him face to face, visited us, rivetted me with a constant stare from a distance of just less than 10 feet for 15 minutes, and angels were round about us in glorious celebrations and dangerous evacuations. I will try to share what I am able and allowed to.
I can say that there is a bigger perspective of this life you are in and living than you ever thought. You will come to wake up just as soon as you'll be willing and humble enough to be ready and see the big eternal realities of eternity. If you haven't already, you will have the faith to seek out from Missionaries serving like me. We have sacrificed our lives and all we are, and our very futures and every hour of 2 years, and 10,000 beads of sweat and 10,000 tons of love, aching, care, passion that consume our whole hearts and being... here to help you be ready and to know The Savior, Jesus the Living Christ--the Creator of everything we know. A day of drastic change and transformation is the one you and I are to now. We must come unto the Savior Jesus Christ now and find Him--for now I know and must call out to every reach of the globe: He is an actual living, breathing, talking, physical, glorious, eternal resurrected personage of love and reality. This message I am 12,000km away from home sharing for 2 years is not a story or something I have one shadow of doubt about in any reach of my entire being. I raise my voice unto all the world: the message I share is true. This church and gospel haven't been restored by any person--my message really is direct from God the Eternal Father and Jesus Christ. They are real, actual Beings that are familiar to your heart and soul.
My companion and I have about 20 amazing people who this and next month are coming unto the Savior Jesus Christ and knowing and following His voice out of the hurricane of darkness, fear and death, unto the perfect light of this Restored Fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ which is only found in this His church.
President Henry B. Eyring came and personally visited us missionaries in a chapel just before the worst parts of the class 5 hurricane. He made and kept almost non-stop eye contact with me and said things like, "after your mission, you won't take the badge off. You have been endowed with power beyond anything you've ever imagined. You will feel the joy that comes from this." He and Elder Cook of the Quorum of the 12 Apostles shared things that transcend this world and that this world can't receive. President Eyring shared the most powerful words I have ever heard any living General Authority of the Church speak. After sharing that there were many things that they can't share in public, the spirit filled the room and each of us more powerfully as the wind picked up and the Prophet was shaking and weeping. He shared these powerful words that then became forever etched into the walls of my eternal soul and heart: "I know The Savior. I know His voice, and I know His face." The things that the Prophet shared were the same things I had been learning from God in my personal conversations with Him over the past 2 years. It is amazing to see the Holy Ghost speaks the same language and messages to all who will seek and hear, heed and surrender all their very will and life and soul to the Savior. I know that the eyes that looked into mine that day are indeed and in reality eyes that have looked into Jesus Christ's very eyes and held conversation with Him in our day. The message of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, is the only message that will lead unto all that the human family came to earth to know, become, achieve and receive as eternal family in fullness of lasting, rich, deep, true joy in this life and in eternities unending. I seal you my special witness since I have been preserved alive: I challenge you to accept the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ and be Baptized in the Lord's church. Anyone that reads these words is reading them because God has led them to be reading them. I give my life and name up unto the world and heaven as a bold testator that the message that young boy received in a grove of trees from God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ, is true. Joseph Smith was a true Prophet, and Thomas S Monson is in reality God's channel to this earth. I don't have faith and I don't believe... I know that the message I have been taking unto this nation and shall take forward all my eternities to come, is true. You have one chance to find that out for yourself and act on it. I invite you to do just that, even today. And for each of us who think we have a strong enough testimony of those things--rise higher. You and I don't have limits. We are children of the Almighty. You are the only one who can limit yourself. Rise to what you've never dreamed of. Keep your covenants and promises with the Lord and don't just give more of your time, talents, will and being--give it all. I seal my testimony in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
_Elder Howard
Suva Fiji Mission
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