Sunday, January 31, 2016

I've never felt smaller!!

I have never felt smaller in my life... this man is amazing.  We are teaching him, and as we teach him, we are taught by him.  He isn't Christian, but he is very interested in the church and very earnest.  His fingers are the size of a hot dog and his muscles are way awesome, and his voice and height are exactly what you'd imagine by looking at this picture.  I am so grateful I met him!

This is another picture of the Temple I took.

Months ago, I met Rihaan for the first time.  We came to her house and began teaching her and her family.  Fast forward to the present day--we love their family with all our hearts and they've been Baptized and Confirmed and are so strong and active in the church and reading the Book of Mormon and Bible daily, and coming to the Temple.  We bussed up to the Temple and she was reading in the Book of Mormon already halfway through the book of 2nd Nephi.  She is SO excited to serve her own mission in a few years.  There is such a wonderful difference and change that has taken place.  Amazing things happen when we choose to open our mouths to share the joy of the Gospel of Christ we have received.  There is eternal regret in hesitating or passing up opportunities.  From this moment's now, forward, commit to never miss an opportunity to open your mouth about Jesus Christ to someone.  Have His name always on your lips.  MIRACLES ARE YOURS IF YOU'RE WILLING TO LIVE OUTSIDE OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE(:  This is a photo of us after the Temple tour, inside the reception area where displays of Christ and Temples and family are, and where you can ask Sister Missionaries any questions you had as you went through the Temple.

This is Michael.  He was Baptized just yesterday.  It was a beautiful service.  I also met him months ago, and finally am now watching him be Baptized.  I never imagined that this day would come--especially never imagined I would see it let alone be a part of it.

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