Sunday, August 9, 2015

4Steps 4Success 4Eternity

Dear Family and Friends--both of which I see as my beloved family--
This might be my last week in Lautoka Fiji
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My Report:

I have been living and working every week lately to make it so I could look the Savior Jesus Christ in the eyes and say I have done all the work He sent me to do here in Lautoka.  I won't leave an ounce of possible regret here.

Despite Elder Singh leaving to Suva for his possibly broken arm (turned out to be torn muscles--phew! Yay!!!!!! Our PRAYERS ARE ANSWERED :), and my getting very sick and losing my voice entirely, and my having to go to the Dentist for my teeth, STILL, through

Being Teachable

Exact Obedience

Hard Work

Developing a Personal Relationship with Jesus Christ

Elder Singh and I have still reached at least 20 lessons per week, at least 4 weeks in a row now, I believe.  It feels great!  We have really helped a tremendous amount of Heavenly Father's very needy and now satisfied children in Lautoka.  Our converts and investigators and returning members are strong and facing their trials well.  My only worry is about Soni.  She is elderly and we are just doing everything we can to help her in her quest to keep her testimony and become self reliant.  The wards here are excellent.  We are going over with a member family to do a family home evening with them tonight.

Elder Singh is a real leader.  I have learned so much from him and really enjoy our friendship.  We have become one, so strong, and so close.  We laugh hard, work hard, play hard, and serve each other hard.  We've really been there for each other through a whole lot of things, and we've seen a LOT of success.  I thank Heavenly Father immensely for sending Elder Singh back into the field, and especially sending him to me as my companion.

I love Elder Singh so much and it is thanks to him that I have gained a deeper level of following the Spirit and being exact in my obedience in ALL things.  My nature has been changed in wonderful ways just by my friendship with this stellar missionary.

I have completely changed, and I love the change I see.  My pride has gone down the drain and I don't miss any of it a bit.  I am one with all my brothers and sisters in the work and am lifting them up and they are lifting me up. :) I am more humble than I have ever been in my life, and I truly have embraced the FULL joy of being fully teachable before the Lord.  I am seeing REAL and lasting change for the eternal best!

I can search my heart, and I can say before heaven, that I really have been exactly obedient in all things this week, except for this morning I was ironing my shirt while memorizing scriptures to help some of our investigators, and then realized it was about 9 and got started on today's comp at 9:03, and besides that there was only the fact that I didn't do a full 30 minute workout while I was really sick.  I just did a little because I knew that was wise and proper principles to govern by.  Besides that I can tell you that I really have been exact in all things the Lord has asked of me with the rules.  And I am connecting fully with the full power of a real relationship with Jesus Christ like never before. I am able to defend Him and see Him personally defending me.

I have learned full Hindi and am so excited about it.  I love it and am still excited for what more I can improve on. Elder Singh said there isn't really much more I could do to improve, just practice what I have and keep moving forward every day.

The other day, when Elder Singh had to leave for Suva, I was given 3 new companions.  With them, I had to find a way to feed all of them and how we would manage our plans for that day with the changes that had been hurdled to us.  The Lord told me, "Look at all the yesterdays where I blessed everything to work out, and from that, looking unto me, know that I know what you face and will provide and bless as I have all yesterdays."  I took great comfort in that and moved forward.  As we got to a Family Home Evening that night, we planned a fun game and played it and shared what Heavenly Father told us those people needed from Him, and then they surprised us by telling us they had felt inspired by heaven to provide 3x more food than originally planned!  We were given the perfect amount of food out of nowhere!
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The next morning, we all got up and I led us in a workout.  We had so much fun and could hardly move later.  They requested an ab workout, and from my pre-mission life, I ran Fitness Motivation BSH and taught people all these things. It was so fun to lead the workout with my friends, these great Elders.  I love this work and have so much fun and make so many memories every single day.
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This is a good key/map for the Sanskrit Hindi Language.  This is the language I write and read in often here in Fiji.  It is a sound-system.  It is so fun and makes a lot of sense.  I really love the language.

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Our dear sister who was Baptized just last week, had her birthday and we bought her balloons and cake and brought them over to her as a surprise gift.  We had so much fun. She is so strong in her testimony.  She went over to her neighbor's house who is a Hindu, and read the Book of Mormon with her and is so loving and humble and faithful.  She is growing in her knowledge and faith and happiness.  She is such a bright and valiant spirit.
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Elder Singh taught me how to make Indian Curry!  I am learning how to cook all Indian dishes!!!

​This is a drawing I did for one of our families here.  They have changed their lives.  They are working toward the Temple.  The husband is one of my heroes.  We are both the youngest in our families and have such a close bond together.  He has quit smoking.  He used to be associated with the worst and most abominable lifestyles and was a completely different kind of person, and the Atonement of Jesus Christ has fully changed him and his family.  That is what this fullness of Christ's restored Gospel does.  It changes any life that will try it out and turn to the Savior Jesus Christ.

There was another family we started teaching this week.  They are Muslim.  Their beliefs are very different, but we are loving teaching them.  I love them so much.  The head of the household looks just like Brother Corbett from before my mission.  I love this family a lot.  The Book of Mormon has now entered their lives and is a planted seed that will bring them unto Christ.

The Mission is such an experience!

I simply testify that we can have our relationship with Heavenly Father as strong as we choose.  He is really there.  He really lives, and He will be along side us as close as we choose to make ourselves to Him.  I know He loves each of us personally and that this restored gospel is His as He has personally repeated and I declare that He has invited all the ends of the earth to come and see.  Try it out.  This message will change your life.

In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

_Elder Howard

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