Hello, from Sunny Fiji!!!
I am being transformed here, in a work that is forever transforming the lives of others--and teaching me lessons and gaining me attributes that will contribute to my whole eternal existence. I am fulfilling the purposes for which I came to earth to bring about.
These are some of our friends who are beginning to learn more about Jesus Christ and to feel His love in their lives. This little girl made us some tiny mud muffins, so we accepted and captured the moment of delight before the bitter faces of taste from mud.
I have learned that whenever we yield ourselves to the Lord, He stands ready to use us at the very moments when we allow ourselves to be so used.
I have so many trials... the work is extremely demanding--and I really do love it. I know that when we have trials that just means Heavenly Father is ready for us to grow. One of my dear friends told me, "The future is bright when you do right." And it is true.
I know that our adversity is the door to the Atonement--reaching it's fullness on a deeper and more transforming level. That is the main reason why I ask the Lord to use my trials as much as He wants to make me all He is. And it is happening.
I have had so many times in my mission where everyone has turned their back on me but the Lord. I am so thankful for these times, because they connect me to the Lord on a deeper level than anything else could. I know that He will never abandon us, because I have experienced it for myself first-hand. The hottest trials make the purest diamonds and gold--and I am only aiming for a fullness of my potential, and that makes me voluntarily jumping into the hottest spot. I am happiest here in the hottest spot, because it is the closest place to the Savior.
I have been continuing to hold to my covenants to stand for Christ in all circumstances, and it has earned me the shame and despisal of the world, and having all backs turned upon me. In this, I have chosen joy. I know that my Father is pleased with me, and so my confidence has waxed strong in His sight.
My covenants and promises to the Lord that I would give all, all my life, wasn't between man or men; it was between me and God. That is where is stand, forever.
Heavenly Father designed me to glow.
And now that glow is being initiated on levels that even I never knew were within me. I have yielded all my heart and all my will and all my submission and obedience to my Heavenly Father, and because of it, I am being made an entirely new being. As the trials up their grade, the version of me is upgraded.
I was given a sacred glance in the distance of my exaltation and eternal increase if I hold out faithful. And this eternal perspective is why I can hold on and do so cheerfully though all of earth and hell combine against me.
I have asked Heavenly Father to design of me a version of me and a future family that will be able to withstand all of the fire and trials of the last days and to move forward and upward into His eternal fullness. This result requires the price--and the price is all I am and have and more.
The day has been promised to each of us if we will enter His path and take on all of the ordinances and promises that He has made available once more for this last time while earth shall yet a little while longer stand--that if we take Him up on this our only and last chance to reach our full potential, that He promises to us that that day will come when we will stand glorified and grand, breathtakingly perfect in body and mind and to come forward and receive the fullness of all that was prepared for us from before the foundations of the world were laid and we set out on this quest and promised we would prove faithful in the journey.
Christ is why and the how of all questions. He is able to transform us. And any path but Him, does not lead to our goal of eternal life and happiness and the riches of eternity.
There will be times when no mortal will be there to pick you up. And that is because Heavenly Father trusts you.
I know that Heavenly Father is our only anchor, and the seas are about to get rougher than the world has ever seen. This moment is our time to set our priorities and be unrelenting in them.
Heavenly Father tells each of us, "I am making you refined to be a man and a king over my eternal kingdom with me; I have prepared a place for you, and am proving you in this stewardship, to see if you are worthy of a far more and greater. If you prove faithful in all things, you shall be a joint heir with Christ, to receive all that I have. This is your destiny. For this purpose sent I you." that is the promise He offers us through the Savior Jesus Christ.
That is the most challenging , trying thing, because it is the most rewarding.
Your Heavenly Father knows what He is doing. He tells each of us, "I can make you into whatever you ask me. So ask carefully and then be willing to act. As you are improving and turning more to Christ, I can make of you more than you have ever been."
We are helping families become eternal. I know that this gospel is true, and this path is the only path that leads to eternal joy and a fullness thereof, and all are invited to come and none are turned away--but the time will cut all off who do not choose to attach themselves to such eternal perspectives.
We are our own judges. We can choose how fully we will turn to Christ--and that will determine everything.
At Baptism we promise T.A.K.E. but it take.S, all we have :)
Take upon us the name of Christ in our actions and natures,
Always remember Him, and thus be transformed in our actions and motives
Keep His commandments in all things at all times
Endure to the end and enjoy the blessings of progressing and being Sanctified.
We had to eat poisonous food this week, but through prayer, we were blessed to be unharmed.
We have a 73 year old woman named Mrs Narayan who will be baptized this week. I have never seen someone so prepared and ready and watched over by the Lord. We were prompted to go up to her house up a hill off of the road and ask if she would be baptized if she came to know our message was true and truly from God. She said yes, and now, only a month later, she is going to be baptized. Her eternity and who she is has changed for the unimaginably better, eternally. And we have been humbly blessed to be firsthand witnesses of it.
This has been one of the best things I have learned this week, and it is transforming my relationship with my Heavenly Father:
Stop your mind... pause it for a moment in time and just hear what Heavenly Father has to speak to you ; what the Spirit is saying.
On Sunday, there were nearly 200 people that showed up. We were amazed.
How far have I traveled in my mission? Geographically, distance wise, 12,000km. But, I hope figuratively, 12,00km in character and spirit. Development and difference. So different that old me is so distant and negatively different that it is 12,000km across a sea of change.