Sunday, April 26, 2015

True Joy ~ The Quest of Eternal beings

Namaste, humare jan hum bahut pyar karta hai! 
Ni Sa Bula Vinaka, na wekaqu!  
Konichiwa; Genki Desu?!  
Hello!  My dear, beloved eternal friends, and eternal family!!  

Time is one asset I have in such scarce supply!  
Souls coming unto the restored fullness of the Gospel, is a blessing in such uncontainable volumes and mass and quantity that my companion and I can barely supply THEIR needs! 

This has been a week of true joy. 

This has been the fastest week of my life--and I am not exaggerating one bit.  This has been a week that zipped past... deserves a speeding ticket!!!!!!!!!!! WOW!!! 

To address the topic "True Joy-the quest of Eternal Beings" 
First I invite you to go read the first 2 chapters of this modern-day Prophet's book:
Who Am I? Eternal Beings

Some Indians fed me goat hearts the other day.. that was interesting.

This is the after photo of one of our sharks we gutted and cooked the other week.  I would show you the before picture, but a virus has taken all the photos I have taken up to this point in my mission.  

The shark tasted great! 

Even though a virus got to all my 3000 photos from the mission so far, I am perfectly happy and content :)  I have a joy and a happiness  that i have attained unto from this fullness of truth and happiness that I have come 8000 miles to share-- a happiness and a joy that can't even be touched or hindered by 3000 photos being taken away.  

I am so thankful!  This 'trial' has only positively affected me, and I move forward on higher and happier ground.  I know in whom I have trusted, I have trusted in the true and living God; my Father.  And He doesn't do anything but what is very best for each of His children if they will trust Him.  I choose to trust Him, and therein in my joy!  As I live His way , I attain unto His level of Joy and I master life in every degree. 

 On the mission I have seen, is that Heavenly Father comes as close as we desire and then choose to be to Him.  Seek Him, and I promise you will find Him. 

I know that everyone that is put in our path, is indeed put in our path for a beautiful and divine, grand reason.  We can do something to bless them, to reach out to them, to lift and edify them.  Fortune favors the bold and abandons the timid--so get out there all the way out of your comfort zone to the blessing and lifting of others!!! 

We're here affecting eternity!  We are touching all the realms ahead of us, every time we choose to look up and look outward. 

As we live with an outward and upward focus, we are the ones that grow upward and outward!  

I have found that all my talents and abilities that I ever had, have been multiplied and enhanced and redoubled and magnified 100x over on my mission!  I have learned on my mission that I truly have no limits, when I give my Heavenly Father and my Savior Jesus Christ no limits in my life.  That is the great key--their way will be the only one that leads to what our heart hungers for.

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Gave blessings of healing this week, and the people were healed.  The power of Christ's authority is saving and changing lives.  His power has been restored and I am a witness of the truth and divinity of this work.

You all remember Soni, right?  She is one of our dear investigators.  Soni was approached by 8 other churches in 2 days, but she knew from God that this one is the true church, so she thanked them all but, stood firm on what Heavenly Father had told her.  A pastor was saying a lot of lies about the LDS church, and Soni was defending the church.  Her testimony is so strong.  She prays non-stop every day.  She is so childlike and pure and has stronger faith than I have yet seen in anyone in all of Fiji.  

Soni and Kirti are progressing so incredibly and magnificently in the gospel.  Their baptism will be on the 11th of May.  We had to move the day of their baptism just so we could have time to finish all the lessons and prepare them to make that important step and promise with their Heavenly Father.  

Learning a culture has been so fun.  I have learned several cultures in the time I have been here in Fiji.  I have learned that in learning a culture, you go about it in studies and mimicking and seeking and asking and trying and improving and adapting

Well, this week, Heavenly Father taught me that I need to now apply all the principles I applied in learning all these earthly cultures, to learning the Celestial culture.  I will learn the way my Savior lives and adapt to it as I have to these cultures. 

The drastic changes I will have made by the end of my mission will be like an infant to an adult.  Heavenly Father is positively changing me in every way.  I already look back and hardly recognize the old me.  I advance every day in progression and growth.  It has only come by having all my focus be outside of myself and toward my heavenly Father. Just like plants, we grow daily if we're drawing unto the Sun with all our might mind and strength. 

A gift I believe we all have, is actually a lack of-- it is the gift of a lack of LIMITS.  You have no limits.  

I have learned that on my mission.  

1436598754 other things, but 0 time.  

Eternal Missionary, 
Elder Howard

Sunday, April 19, 2015

YOU are the reason

Hey!!!!!!!!!!!!  Sorry--this is all in the most random order, and I apologize.  I just have no time to organize it all. :)
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This week, we went to a house that I have been being told by Heavenly Father for weeks that we should stop in and see.  We met these people on the street one day as they were walking back to their house, and we were walking to an appointment.  They told us that some of their family members used to be LDS.  They told us to come by sometime. 

Well, when we went over, they warmly welcomed us in and we got to meet 20 people who are eager to receive the gospel.  Some of them used to be members, and the reasons they're not members anymore, is just because they fell away!  No big reason or anything, they say.  I was overpowered by the Spirit and it spoke wonderful, uplifting, encouraging, inspiring messages to them through my mouth.  I got to speak in Hindi, Fijian, and English in the same sentence, several times!  They were all so impressed and received our testimony with open hearts.  One of them said that he has read the Bible 10 times all the way through while he was in prison, because he had nothing else to do.  Now he is so humble in admitting that he hasn't been keeping the commandments, and he has a childlike willingness to take one step at a time and let his Heavenly Father's love lead him gently back into the full light.  

They took us in their house immediately for dinner.  They are Hindi, but they sat us down on their Imbe (cultural Fijian weave floor mat,) and served us a great Fijian meal!  It had been so long since I had a Fijian meal!!! It was good food for my memory and soul to experience that again.  We taught them while we ate, and they soaked it into their hearts and were touched by the Spirit.  I testified of Jesus Christ with all they joy and power of my soul, to a room full of people, and explained in pure simplicity the calling of Christ and the Father's chosen prophet, Joseph Smith, and Their calling him to Restore the fullness of truth as Christ originally established it.  

We gave them a "Together Forever" DVD (google search "lds together forever" -- and watch it).

And we left.  

When we came over a few days later, they told us, "The kids were all so excited to watch the DVDs that they woke up early the very next morning, at 6AM, and watched all of them.  They loved them!"  They told us that next time we come over, they will feed us a huge meal.  Today, walking into town to come to this email shop I'm in now, emailing, we met them on the street again.  The Lord has prepared thousands in our area--and one at a time, He is leading us to all of them.

Heavenly Father forgets about no one.

If I exist, it must be for a great, grand reason.  
And if I exist for a reason, I'd better (and I do)
know what that is.  And God reveals it to me, 
in direct proportion to how much I give myself
to Him.  Now, by degrees I know its fullness. 
I now live fully all awake and up to it.  I exist.

Got my 1st nap of my mission in Fiji so far!  While my companion was recording some of the members of the ward here, speaking in Hindi, for us to use in teaching lessons, I took a nap.  It was delicious.

I learned on April 15th, 2015, that there is no limit to the uncomfortable growth-inducing experiences I can face and rise up to, and rise higher than EVER from.  Thus, I will only choose and embrace the Out Of The Comfort Zone Only, and therein lies life at its fullest.  There's no uncomfortable thing that I can't take on and overcome.  So, I seek out and embrace only those things that will stimulate the growth and progression and advancement of myself; that I may be a useful tool in my Father's work.  And to join Him in it, forever.

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When you finally put Self on the shelf, 

You'll find the greatest kind of wealth,
Spirit's health, magnified, 100x over! 

This morning, we finally went over to our neighbor's house and set up a time when we can come over and teach them.  They were excited and said that they have been wanting to sit down with LDS Missionaries, for a long time.  We gave them a gift of a Mormon Tabernacle Choir CD from my collection, and a Together Forever DVD, and a "Family Proclamation to The World" pamphlet. 

We've been waiting and wanting to set an appointment with them, since February!!! 
Months can be conquered by minutes.  

Just take 5 minutes and do those things you've always wanted to do--or those things you've been waiting and wanting to do.  Why not do it now, so they're done.  Say, "I will be a doner.  I will do things.  Then, they'll be done.  I AM a doner." ^_^

This week, I learned how to twirl and spin those fire sticks like Islanders do!  

When I come home, I am going to add that to my unicycle abilities.  I will ride a mountain unicycle while twirling action-packed Fijian fire sticks!  -- Thing is, I'm actually serious about that! :D I really will (:

The veil is a thing of the past.  The glass is no longer a glass seen through darkly.  He is revealing me as He knew, as He knows ,and as He grandly sees me.  I am, (one day at a time, as I keep His commandments,) being shown--knowing as I am known.

There is no time for waiting.  We can seize our destiny and full potential in the fullness of the moment He has afforded us NOW. 
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From now on, everything Christ. 
All minutes life deals me onward,
from now on are for to everything
be Christ.  All I say, all I do, all I am.

I will live to have all of it point to my Friend, my Savior, Jesus Christ.

April 17th, 2015: "I feel like I'm newly in life, because for the rest of it up till now I have been asleep.  I feel like a newcomer into this great ride called 'Earth Experience.'"

"This is Elder Howard, and Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love Elder Howard very much.

From now on, I will "work on the priorities my heavenly Father desires."

"The most memorable heroes are those that were most humble. 

"What are the graduating attributes of mortality? 

"What will make you ready to competently move forward on into the real eternities you're about to go out and brave?

"Aren't I dumb if that's not all I'm working on?"

Our investigators progressing toward Baptism: They know the Book of Mormon is true.  It chaned Kirti.  Soni, (her mother,) said, "Ever since she is going you peoples' church, she different.  Things all changed about her.  On all her tests in school now, she been getting 99'!  Her teacher called me asking 'what magic she is using?'  She studies the Book of Mormon every second and minute free,.  Even when I can't, she is." And Kirti said she wants to finish the book in the next week or so!  Kirti is #3 in her whole big school because she is daily reading the Book of Mormon!  

64 years from now, only the things I do with a focus toward my Heavenly Father, and selflessly to all others around me, will be what are remembered and still making a difference.

On Saturday, we watched "Meet the Mormons," and I understood the Hindi in it!  That guy named "Bishnu," his story--when they spoke Hindi, I understood it!  That was fun.
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For the Open HouseHeavenly Father blessed it to rain the day before, and the day after.   He preserved the day of the Open House to be perfect weather!  We were sooo grateful!! We couldn't have had the Open House if it had been bad weather.  And the open house was such a success!! 

 How submersed am I in the Scriptures?
If my head is above this water, I won't be able to breath.
I have committed deeply to immerse myself in the Scriptures.
Immersing ourselves in the Scriptures drowns and kills the "natural man" all evil in us. 

One day at a time. 

The Creator Has Time

For you. 

More than enough.  

You are the reason He created time to be.  He has no better thing to do--for He has said that you are His own family and is all He spends all His time FOR. And commanded us likewise of our own children, because He is already setting the example by the amount of perfect attention He stands ever ready to give us. 

Seek Him. 
Cry out to Him. 
You'll find Him.

After this life, all that will go forward is the institution of the Family.

This church is the only one that has the power to seal family for time and all eternities.  All families that are not sealed by this power, will one day be severed from one another. 

This is a poster I made for the Open House we held for the entire public of Lautoka.  I sat down and prayed that Heavenly Father would enable me to do a poster that would glorify His name and convey the sacrifice and love of His Son and the glory and joy of the message of the Restoration: 
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You may zoom in an read all of it.  It took me 20hrs to make.  Heavenly Father helped me sooooooooo much!  The inspiration for it, just flowed as I said a prayer, and then went to work.​

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Excerpt from a letter to my Mission President:
This week, we had the most successful Open House!  Lautoka 1st and 2nd both were overflowing with joy, unity, tears, testimony and a true and permeating spirit of service.  They want to do an activity like this one was, every month!  Hundreds have been so positively affected by this!

We have 50 new names of 3 pages of people from the Open House who were interested in the Restored Gospel and want missionaries to come over!  50 referrals in a day isn't bad! 

Me and my companion are inseparable and love each other with our whole hearts.  There isn't a smallest degree of anonymity between us in the least!  We hug each other EVERY day.  We pray together EVERY hour.  We laugh with each other EVERY day.  We compliment and edify each other EVERY day.  We are perfectly unified--and I don't know that I am exaggerating in saying that.  We really are thriving.  We're as lush and blossoming in our companionship as Fiji is in its agriculture and forestry! 

We are progressing SO FAR in the Hindi language! 

The Mission truly sets your life.  I believe that.  Your pre mission life is the cement being poured into the form of your eternity--and the decision to serve a mission is the pouring of the initiatory water to the Cement.  The Mission dries the cement.  So I am making sure it dries exactly how Heavenly Father would want it if He were me in my place; exactly how I want it; exactly how We want it.  By the end of my mission, I will be "dried."   I will be immovable in every form of godliness, for all the work of godhood Christ works with me now in preparation for.  My Father is my builder.  I build my life not after the manner which is learned of men--but from that of the highest and most exalted spheres, I build my eternity and that eternity upon which endless posterity will in-turn lay their own frames upon. 

Thank you for the eternal work you are engaged in.  I love you and Sister Layton and all you have used your agency to make of your lives. 

I had thought getting to my night prayers by 10:30 was impossible, and I had near' given up on it.  But, on April 15th, I signed my "Exact Obedience Resolution," and from all therein, it was the first night in Fiji where I have made it to my prayers before 10:30.  I was pleased, because my Father was pleased.  Indeed I can testify that from that, I felt a fuller presence of the Spirit.  This is the first of many, many breakthroughs that will come from that paper He and I wrote.  

Many wait to embrace exact, real obedience.  And I know each of them regret that they didn't do it sooner.  They'll wish they had.  They think they don't need it; and later they'll regret that they once thought that.  When you choose exact obedience in the right spirit and for the right reasons, and by the godly principles which are in Christ, you're not just making a decision... you're making Your Mission.

Only the blind withhold full obedience to God. 
I believe that, and it is my joy to be giving my heart to such. 

That note I signed, advanced me.  It has magnified everything. 

I am excited about it! 

I thought I took a picture of the paper I signed, but I guess I didn't.  I can't find it.  I'll send it to you next week. 

I believe that if we as a mission--each individual missionary and companionship--is as the army of Helaman ~ obedience, you'll get not just as amazing as they got--but MORE!   Once every missionary and companionship can honestly email you and tell you that they have tried and that they can now testify genuinely of exact obedience and the spirit and power that come from living it in the right spirit and principles, then the Fiji Mission will lead the world. 

 Is that not so? 

I am not perfect, but now I am perfect at truly trying.  I'm filled with a fire for it now.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Easter Miracles!!

What a world of miracles and wonders we live in.  And what a joy it is to live in this, the day of mortality immediately right before Jesus Christ returns to earth again.  

We live in the greatest time period.  And we have the greatest work to do.

​This was taken from the balcony of a family we visited this week.

Did you watch the living Prophets and Apostles speak to the entire world last week?  

I hope you treasure and listened to all their words!  Your life will change if you do!  And if you act on their inspired direction, you will.

Here, we had to wait a week for it to reach us. 

Read this talk from an Apostle:

Before Your Birth

I have seen my Redeemer.  I know that each of us lived with God before we came to this earth.  I have a sure and perfect knowledge that this is true.  The Holy Ghost has borne that witness to me, 100,000 times, and continues to whenever I learn of my Father's plan and share it, He testifies of it. 
We are eternal beings. We lived as intelligent spirits before this mortal life. We are now living part of eternity. Our mortal birth was not the beginning; death, which faces all of us, is not the end.

“Our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting;
The soul that rises with us, our life’s star,
Hath had elsewhere its setting.
And cometh from afar;
Not in entire forgetfulness,
And not in utter nakedness,
But trailing clouds of glory do we come
From God, who is our home.”
—William Wordsworth“Intimations of Immortality

As eternal beings, we each have in us a spark of divinity. 

Life Is Eternal
By the Prophet, Ezra Taft Benson.

You have seen your Redeemer. 

So many people say that they have never seen God.  This is not true, of any of them.  You have seen Him, and I testify your spirit knows Him. Nothing will surprise you more when you return to your home beyond the veil of death, than how familiar and sweet your Father's face already is to you from the pre-earth existence. 

I can testify in very deed that I have seen the living God.  And I am bold to declare it, as any man may if he will have eyes to see and ears to hear and a heart to feel.

I have lived 19 years of every prayer I've ever prayed, being addressed and replied to.  I have seen Him work a miracle every day of my life.  I have felt His literal presence in His Holy Temples.  I have felt His arms around me.  I have witnessed His voice speaking to my soul, and I have seen His hand in every minute of my mission, such that never can I dare deny it, as long as I shall ever be. 

He lives! 

Watching that video, what did you feel? 

 I felt chills surging my body; chills of joy!  

I am His witness as surely and unequivocally as if I had seen Him every day of my life--for indeed I have. 

I have not just seen His hand every day in my life.  His hand is my life.  

After 19 years of every prayer answered and reflecting on and seeking how His hand was unveiled to me that day; every day, there is nowhere I can look even if I try, where I don't only and fully see His kind, comforting, blessing, good hand and sweet smiling face. It is like real sunshine to my life.  

We don't come to earth to stop walking by sight as we did before our birth when we lived and progressed with Him. We come to walk by faith which is a better, more real, perfect, and truest sight by which all things of all existence and truth & the path to life eternal and exaltation are seen and traveled, triumphed by!

  We come to Earth to see Him more clearly than even we did when we were personally with Him. Before coming to earth--before our birth--we saw Him.  We come to earth to have a chance to Know Him.

Not just a chance to know Him; 

But to become like Him.  

This was one of the most powerful talks I've ever heard:

Best Easter Talk of All

This week, we were struggling with some of our investigators. 

They were progressing, but there was contention and fighting in their home. A teenage daughter and her mother sometimes let their differences anger one another.  Such was the case. 

On Friday morning this week, we woke and read this quote:

“I feel certain that if, in our homes, parents will read from the Book of Mormon prayerfully and regularly, both by themselves and with their children, the spirit of that great book will come to permeate our homes and all who dwell therein. The spirit of reverence will increase; mutual respect and consideration for each other will grow. The spirit of contention will depart. Parents will counsel their children in greater love and wisdom. Children will be more responsive and submissive to the counsel of their parents. Righteousness will increase. Faith, hope, and charity—the pure love of Christ—will abound in our homes and lives, bringing in their wake peace, joy, and happiness.” ~Ezra Taft Benson

We discussed with each other (Elder Moka and I,) about how we could help them to sing hymns together and begin reading the Book of Mormon together.  We saw all this as a huge challenge, for reasons I don't have time to give you detail about. 

Well, that night, we felt distinctly impressed to drive out to see them even though it was getting very late.  

We arrived, and when we walked in, they said, "Today, we were reading the Book of Mormon.  I was reading to my mom, and explaining it to her in Hindi.  We sang songs together and prayed together, and all our feelings of anger left.  Even when my mom growls at me, I don't growl back."  

We were astonished!!!!!!! 

They will be baptized, weekend after next.  

When they came to conference, they reported to our utter astonishment, that they are now all the way to Alma chapter 2!  And they actually were!!! 

They watched all of Conference even though they had soooo many trials and obstacles trying to stop them.  

Oh.. did you catch that.. I said we drove^

We have a car! 

I'm the driver! 

Look which side the steering wheel is on!

All trials only purify us.  NO trial is given to us to defeat us.  "The easy road does not climb."

Missionaries are problem solvers.  I have found that ALL excuses are lame--and making it work & results are ALLways awesome.

On April 10th, I wrote this in my journal:

"Today, my mission ends, and Heavenly Father's starts.  Today my mission is over; I ran out of time, and time was never mine.  Time for the things my way is done.  All done.  The mission is now ended--my motives, my way of doing it, and with that repulsive past finally dead, all is finally His.  Today, my mission came to an end, and His started.  My candle I blew out, and He and I installed anew His candle in me which is above the light and energy of the sun.  From now on my mission soars with His flame!"

Time for Christ's name to consume mine. ALL the way.

I am progressing at rates I never imagined in the language and in being able to lead this area with Elder Moka.  We are on our way to hitting the Standards of Excellence every week!  It's looking amazing! 

Obedience is FUN!  

We are using our car to its full capacity.  We are very grateful for the gift and we are using it non stop.  We really needed this.  We are finally able to reach our dozens and dozens of golden potential investigators.  The Hindi program is absolutely flourishing and thriving.  The people are flocking, and we are both really picking up on the language now! 

I am now thinking in Hindi!  I am praying in Hindi, teaching in Hindi, singing in Hindi, and devouring all the possible resources Heavenly Father has let come into our possession.  I am ready to be used by the Lord to the utmost of His desires, and that fills me with pure joy!

The other day, people were asking me why I ALWAYS have a smile on my face and why I'm always ridiculously happy.  "Why are you always happy?"

The Spirit gave me an answer immediately.  I said, "Because I'm always a Mormon." 

That's the answer at it's simplest. 

I have powerful and fully reachable goals that Heavenly Father inspired me to set for the next 6 weeks.  I have taken everything up 5 notches.  I am stepping up my mission and taking it even more seriously.  I won't let any morsel of my potential with Him to lift His children, slip by. 

Always happy, 

Eternal Missionary Elder Howard

Sunday, April 5, 2015

3 Sharks! 10 Joy! 1 License! Hindi Materials!

Aap Log Kaise Hai!!! Bahuut suundarr iss Jiwan!  Hum log bahuut juloom, auld sub cheej acha hai!

From the land of every beauty, and every language,

Konichi Wa!  Bula Vinaka!  Mauri!  Namaste!  Hello!  Rite hai! 

This week, we were in the market in town, and were just going to grab a few things and share the gospel with everyone... and then the Lord blessed us to get really really cheap good deals on everything, so we were able to get a whole lot of fresh veggies and fruit, and...

3 Sharks! 

We were stunned and surprised to see them being sold in the market.  

We stopped and stared... and then said, "Well, let's try a new experience!" And we bought this one gray shark, and 2 hammer-head sharks, all for 5 dollars!
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We continued walking on with 3 fins all popping out of our bags, and as we went, a Fijian man stopped us and asked us if we know how to prepare them and cook them.  We said we didn't have a clue.  He gave us a bunch of advice that didn't actually help us, but, we got to spend a long time together talking about the gospel, and he was so happy!  The gospel would have never come to him if we hadn't bought 3 sharks.

We're going back to share with him again in a few days because he wants to read what we gave him and learn so much more.

The Lord works in mysterious ways :)

We got home after sharing the gospel with a whole bunch of other people including our Taxi drivers and everyone who Heavenly Father prepared to be taught by us.  Once we were home, we had to leave the sharks sitting in our sink to stink, because we had lessons and meetings to get to right away.

When we came back, I said a prayer and then Heavenly Father guided and inspired me as to how to properly gut and clean and prepare the sharks.  I was amazed at how incredible all of His sacred and beautiful creations are in this world.  

The sharks are all gutted, cleaned, chopped up, in our freezer, and ready to eat over the next few weeks!

I have learned how to drive!  I even drove all over all the back-roads and learned everything about stick and the Lord has magnified all my abilities! Plus, I'm confident now and will be getting my license on Wednesday.

I can now understand literally almost everything Hindi people say.  I have now learned the language, and I can lead lessons, teach lessons, answer questions, interpret, read some, write some, ask questions, go on splits where Elder Moka isn't even there to help me in Hindi.  He has made me self sufficient to stand on my own 2 feet in the Hindi program and in most everything in our companionship.  We are thriving in our closeness with each other and with all our investigators.  

I have been speaking near fluently and effortlessly in all 3 languages every day.  I can switch between Eng., Fijian and Hindi easily and people understand and enjoy my languages.  I am very serious about the work and am progressing faster and higher than ever thanks to Heavenly Father.  I have no limits when I'm powered and enabled by Him, and that's exactly what has happened. 

We are picking up more and more Hindi investigators.  They don't speak much English, so our Hindi speaking is truly sprouting and thriving and flourishing by the day. I am ready to move the kingdom forward in every way the Lord can use me.

Elder Moka and I have such a beyond strong, and perfect, close friendship.  We're more than companions.  We are more than best friends.  We are perfectly unified, in all the indescribable ways me and Elder Nawahine were, and in some other ways too.  This has become the most flourishing relationship of laughter, respect, perfect unity, happiness, selfless service and enjoyment I've had my whole mission so far.  We love each other.  We pray together every hour of the day almost.  Every night and every morning, we pray, and then at the end of the day we hug each other sincerely and we always tell each other we love each other and do nothing at all but edify and compliment and build up and improve each other.  I have the best companion!!!!! 

I am ready for anything the Lord wants! ^_^

We finally got Hindi materials!! In sanscrip hindi symbols!! Pure hindi!  Pamphlets and Book of Mormons are flying out to people now every day!  We are so excited about these brand new materials that have now started to come for the first time ever!  We are using them and the people are so appreciative of them!! 

The Lord is flooding us with golden investigators!!  

Me and Elder Moka; we love you, we love the Lord, we are eager to do all He requires of us. 

In the next couple weeks we will be having an incredible Open House and Devotional for the whole of Lautoka to come tour our Chapel and know what the Church is all about in focuses like Family, Service, Chirst-like Lifestyle, etc.  It's going to be a huge success.  We are so grateful.

I had someone throw a balloon at my face, and it didn't pop.  Haha!
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Here is something I read this week about Gratitude:


Confuse Every Trial: Smile!

This week, we had a problem with someone we are teaching.  They made choices that have hurt us a lot.  I can't say details, but to watch them choose to fall, was one of the darkest and saddest points of my mission.  But, now I can testify that fasting works.  Fasting turned this darkest point of my mission, right over to the very brightest and excruciatingly joyful point of my mission yet.

That point topped all pains.  And when I handed it over to the Savior, He turned it around to top most ALL joys I've ever had in my life.

I testify of what the Atonement of Jesus Christ can do.  

Because of Him, all dark, sad, painful, can be turned around for joy and hope and positive change.  

I am now coming to the Savior in ways beyond what I've ever known.  Jesus Christ and I really are now becoming as close as He always hoped and yearned for. And though I get to experience His pain at watching Heavenly Father's children make sometimes painful wrong choices, I know that is part of coming to know His depth of love.  

I fasted for everything this week... we have so many struggles and challenges and people making painful decisions in their lives. Things here in the mission, and things at home.  I testify that fasting works true and undeniable miracles.  I testify Heavenly Father is there.  He is living and literal and personal.  His plans are the best. 

I have received perfect peace and joy in the midst of every kind of circumstance, pain, trial, challenge, turn of events and all emotions and situations.  And I can testify that He hears every word of your prayers.  And I can testify that we can have true, rich, shining, full, lasting, deep, real, tangible joy and happiness and peace regardless of our circumstances.

That comes through turning to Christ and living His gospel with all our hearts in all things.  Then all things only effect us positively.  

In this work, all we need to do is be ready to be used.  It is the Holy Ghost that does all the work through us.  This work really isn't mine.  It really isn't me.  I'm His hands.

At the beginning of Tuesday, it was the darkest day of my mission yet.  And by the end of the day, literally everything had 100% switched around to the most exquisite joy I've had on my mission yet.  And through it all, I was joyful.

Fasting changed everything.  It changed people's attitudes.  It filled my hungry soul.  It is one way to empty yourself of unrighteousness so you can be filled with the Holy ghost.  Fasting is the way to "hunger and thirst after righteousness," as the Savior taught. 

Salvation is certainly not a cheap experience at all.  It is joyful.  It is exhilarating.  It is our work and our glory, to work with the Father to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of His children.

At the end of the day, the Lord had worked everything for good; and people's hearts and situations were on the path to being changed fully.  When we walked in the door at the end of the day, we fell on our knees and cried unto the Lord, praising and thanking Him, with overflowing souls and hearts.  

It'll be interesting to see how the Celestial Kingdom can top this joy I felt.  Yet I know it's a reality awaiting.  My joy tank is brimmed and stocked for years!  Haha! It was joy I didn't know mortals were capable of experiencing!  

This work requires everything. 

And I'm willing to give it.

Love is my motive.

Because He Lives; I can do all things.