Sunday, January 4, 2015

Do you REALLY want a Miracle?

I challenge you to go out of your way & do something for the Lord.  It will bring you closer to Him, and you're the one it will bless.


Faith is not willing your desires into existence.  It is finding out what the will of God is and then being at peace with what that is.
Our Branch here in the Bau Area, has been struggling so much.  We had what seemed like impossible roadblocks in nearly every aspect of the work here.  But we didn't become discouraged.  We know that Jesus Christ lives and is at the head of this church, and that if we did His work His wway and by His power, His miracles would flood this area.

We were right.

We fasted this Sunday, and that same day, EVERY PROBLEM WAS VERRRRRYMIRACULOUSLY FIXED!


We came to church, and more people packed the rooms than we've ever seen before!  The Priesthood, on their own initiative, discussed and fixed all of our Branch's problems!  We're now on our way to becoming a Ward!  The ward is finally stopping drinking Grog/Kava, they're now doing their home teaching, they're reading the Book of Mormon daily, they're reaching out and bringing all the inactive and less-active members back into activity in the church, and all the halts and stops on young people here putting in their mission papers to go serve around the world, have now all been miraculously resolved and things are moving again!

I can't count the miracles!

Me and my companion were absolutely blown away!

We have many, many potential baptisms this month.  The other day, an investigator of ours, accepted my invitation to be Baptized and receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost, and be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  

Miracles truly happen!

Fasting is amazing!

Heavenly Father is amazing! 

This gospel is beautiful and perfect in every way!

​So confident am I in my destiny and divine potential as a son of God, because God and I are the joint authors of my story(my eternal life)__but I'm confident all the way in it, because I gave the pen to Him and His are the hands that write it.  


I've asked myself, "at the end of my mission, what difference will I have made?  How can I leave absolutely none of my potential untouched--and literally all of it seized?"  Heavenly Father answered me:

It comes down to being positively completely different than the world.  The more positively different you are, the more of a positive difference my personal and Eternal Father can make through me!

I live each moment as the Holy Spirit tells me that moment's highest potential is; and I do that by asking Him to give me His enabling and strengthening power, for His glory and the joy and blessing of my fellow eternal brothers and sisters here on earth.  

By His power, we can do all things!

ALL our potential.

FULLness, not SOMEness of JOY!

God never gives us a commandment that isn't for our benefit; even eternal benefit.  He never gives us one single commandment that doesn't have a blessing tied to it.  Nothing He asks of us, (if obeyed from a willing and loving heart,) blesses anyone more than ourselves.  It's interesting to see that the more selfless we become, the more we receive meaningful and lasting happiness.  And the more we leave the world's motives, desires, things it lives for, the praise it loves, and the low standards it grossly rolls around in--and instead come unto ourselves and choose God's motives, desires, things He lives for, and the praise of Him and His exalted standards, the more we receive His joy and His fulness of life!

​​There are people out there only you can bless.
There are things you agreed you would do, before you came down here to earth.
There are joys that you can only know if you lose yourself all the way to Heavenly Father's better and best version of your life.

Whatever situation you ever find yourself in, 


PRAY FOR HIS ENABLING STRENGTH to enable you to do His highest will for you in that moment. 

You can share His restored gospel in any and every moment you ever find yourself in, if you'll ask Him to give you His enabling and strengthening power, and then simply open your mouth, motivated only out of love for Heavenly Father and perfect love for the person you're joyfully sharin with.

Every moment you find yourself in.

Not just some.

This was the final Sunset of 2015.... 

​The best thing you can set as your goal, is something eternal.

  • What's an eternal goal you can set?

  • Something that will bless eternity, and make you more like your Heavenly Father.  

  • Something that you will thank yourself for, all the years down the road yet to come.

  • Something your future generations will bless and thank you for choosing to make of yourself?

  • Something that stretches you and yet, is attainable?

Read Moroni 7:47-48, and ponder it.

This is what Heavenly Father has told me I need to make my fullest goal.  For if I posses this, then I will be one with Heavenly Father, and I will reach His full potential for me.

Next week I'll show you our Christmas house.  It's green and red.

I testify that eternal and real truth exists.

Heavenly Father wants each of His children to know the truth of this gospel, for themselves, from Him. 

The power and witness of the Holy Ghost, is real.

I testify with one of the Prophets of our day:
"The Spirit of God speaking to the spirit of man has power to impart truth with greater effect and understanding than the truth can be imparted by personal contact even with heavenly beings.  Through the Holy Ghost the truth is woven into the very fibre and sinews of the body so that it cannot be forgotten."

I testify that I know Heavenly Father lives and I KNOW with a capital K, that HE Hears YOUR prayers.  I know He restored this church, Himself, and that we are led by living prophets.  I have received my testimony of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon and the sacred and holy calling the Lord has given His living prophet on the earth today, President Thomas S. Monson.  I love my Savior Jesus Christ.  He and His Atonement are literally everything to me. 

I am here to share His light.

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