We're teaching some cannibals, and they had me for dinner the other night! ![](https://mail.google.com/mail/e/347)
This week has been LITERALLY nothing but miracles!
The language fully clicked for the first time this week! I've had dreams in Fijian! I talk to everyone in Fijian and I'm forgetting how to speak English! I'm getting darker and darker, and this food beats all American food except Susan Howard's!-- (my dear angel divine glorious beautiful Mother!)
First time the language Fully Clicked:
We got on the bus on Monday after doing needed shopping and sharing the gospel and lifting and blessing and brightening people's lives, and I got on and initially went to a specific seat in the back half of the bus. But then Heavenly Father told me that I needed to sit up by a lady near the front of this crowded bus. It was amazing, because people were pouring in, but didn't sit next to her. It was miraculous how her seat was preserved for me. I acted on the prompting. We talked for a good 30 minutes in just Fijian, about everything about me and everything about her. We had talked for this long, and the bus hadn't even started going yet. So, the Lord told me to share the gospel with her to bless her life. We talked about her family, and the deep joy and happiness our Heavenly Father desires we all receive through His plan. I went through the entire Restoration, and Book of Mormon and bore my testimony and we had amazing, deep conversations about her family and her feelings and life! It was amazing! The Lord blessed me to completely speak fluent Fijian! It rolled out without effort! She understood everything I said! I didn't have to translate in my head or anything--it truly rolled out with ease! I shared with her, talking non-stop for about an entire long hour of just sharing the gospel and being super happy and enjoying each other!
I'm fluent!
Thanks to Heavenly Father--not myself. He is a great giver of good gifts to all His children who will ask and then work to be fully one with Him so He can be unrestrained in pouring out enabling help and power. Do His work, and you have His joy and power and are one with Him.
We can all do this!
In our lives, there are things we can do to be one with Him in His work. When we lay down our pride and our will, we pick up His power and His ridiculous happiness, purpose and meaning in life!
I have experienced it first hand every single day here!
Cucumber invites you! Join Heavenly Father in His work. Come unto Christ! There is no greater happiness than when your all is given over to Him, fully and unrestrained and unreservedly!
It's to the point now where with effort and exertion, I look hard for any place or degree where I don't plainly, veillessly, undeniably & obviously see Heavenly Father's hand in my life. There's not a single smallest detain or thing where I can't plainly see His hand, undeniably! My whole soul and Being marvels and sings!
Not that the windows of my Father's full and bounteous blessings just barely opened; but that my eyes just barely did. By practice and prayers asking and petitioning Him for such, it's growing in greater degree than ever, every day! EVERY NEW DAY!
I used to try hard each day to see His hand. Now by practice and His enabling gift and blessing--there's nowhere I DON'T see it plain as day and clear as all the passages of beautiful eternity!
Every new day, I'm not satisfied with all the improvement and good and progress I made yesterday and the depth of my oneness with Christ and the Father, through my Savior's help and enabling power.
I wake up, smile super ridiculously big and look my soul square in the eye, and look myself in the mirror and say,
"Old me, welcome to the new me. This is the new me; the Lord will lead me to higher ground than I've ever been on."
And then He does!
There hasn't been a single day here, that wasn't better than the last!
Each day LITERALLY is better than the last!
That is how the Gospel blesses my life; it allows me to be on a never ending, upward climb of joy, regardless of my circumstances, trials and difficulties... in fact!: It's BECAUSE of and through those joyful difficulties and trials and circumstances!
This is life at its fullest! And fuller every day!
So many sorrows and challenges and Goliath's and trials every day! I choose to lay all of them upon the Atonement's enabling power, and choose joy and then BAM!! ALL BAD THINGS TRANSFORM FOR MY JOY AND GOOD.
Gratitude makes literally everything minister to adding and enhancing my joys and happiness even when horrible things happen to me!
Thanks to Christ, there's nothing bad in my life--for all things are transformed for my good and joy and oneness with Him.
That's why I'm 8000miles away from home for two years doing absolutely nothing but sharing THIS message!