Saturday, December 10, 2016

Where Ends End

Haka in Hindi on a Mountain Unicycle with Firesticks and a Headdress and Shirwani?  Yes!

Having come to this foreign country (so I call it now,) of America, I realized a fundamental reality: I realized how to become Limitless.

We can release the power to achieve the life we have always dreamed of, when we give our whole will over to God, and end our vision for life--He takes us then to a height.

A height where we can now see no ends.  This choice, ever continued is the only place in all existence where all ends end.


What a word... What a change has come in as I have been tutored by Christ on just what power it holds.  He Himself "for the JOY that was set before Him endured" (Hebrews 12:2).

Better is ahead than ever behind--the Journey of Joy is in the power of your next choice.

And the next blog

Sunday, November 6, 2016

From 2 Years to 2 Weeks

We have been having the joy of meeting literally hundreds of people ready to hear the gospel, each week.  In one day on exchanges we were able to get 80 contacts who wanted us to come teach them.  This message is true.  It is real.  These past weeks we have had a lot of miracle baptisms, people who are truly humble and turning their whole lives over to the Savior.  We have many, many families coming in these weeks that are just transforming their life because they know the message is true.  I am so grateful for all the big and small things.  Things like, Elder Mong Yen, my Tahitian companion.  Our backyard with hundreds of mangoes, pineapples, lemon grass, popo, and other things I don't even know what the names are.  For the work we have been able to do in compiling thousands of Hindi words and principles that can open up and expand the work in this nation forever.  Glory to God! For the precious weeks He granted for me to stay here in Fiji.  He has done these beautiful things.  These souls I know Heavenly Father sent me to find, wouldn't have been if He hadn't prompted me to extend.  We literally are non-stop working.  There is no spare minute. We are constantly out bringing people this message so their families can be together forever.  We have been having harder and more joyful times than ever.  How great is Heavenly Father!  

_Elder Howard

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Shout For Joy >AGAIN< Transcend Life

My hope is that before my time in Fiji ends, you may know...

  You have done it before.  You knew then, too; that it would be harder than anything.  But why did you shout for Joy?  Know the why, and you may do it again, every day along the happy way of thorns.

is condition of the soul. 
This joyous state comes as result of righteous living."

Great photos  to share, but honestly, I don't trust this computer.  Haha.  
end the day reading it as well.  This week has been nothing but following the clear, direct voice of God at every turn. We will be driving along, and the Lord will tell us, "Turn down this road."  We will do it, and find a drunk man on the side of the road, stop the car, get out, go lift him up and save him, comfort him and teach him and start him on the path that will cause his family to be able to be together forever with fullness of joy, clean, pure, full of holiness, majesty, joy, hope, purity and eternity.  

One prompting led me to be able to see all the Elders I came to Fiji with, one last time before they all flew home.  It has officially been over 2 years now.  My extension carries me beyond the "veil of death."  A veil which I have now defied a 3rd time in my life.  The rest of them have flown home.  We got to laugh, talk, eat and joy together one last time before their departure.  It is amazing to reflect on change.  Change is power.  Time is the director of that power.  What we do with time determines the satisfaction of regret of that power. Sons and daughters of God, will we ponder what is truly most important in our short walk on this brief world? Or will we miss joy?

I have received a wonderful new companion, my 12th!  Elder Monson Mong Yen.  He is from Tahiti.  I am learning just the perfect lessons I need before departure myself.  We are striving to bring in 18 last Saints before the end.  The grand finnale of my mission is to go through the Temple for the Endowment sessions and Ordinances of Joy for all my converts so dear and like family to me forever.  This is what I poured my heart out to receive, all my mission, and now it is reality!

A woman we are working with has now become a superhero.  The Lord commands, in Deuteronomy, that idols be burned.  When a woman read this, she made a courageous decision.  She said, "Elders, come take these things out." Even burn them.  It strengthened my testimony to see her love for her Savior Jesus Christ, and for her Heavenly Father; that she was willing to stand up and choose the harder right.  There is faith in the earth.  There is hope for the future, when courage is the mark of our discipleship.

We are teaching an entire village that is now reading the Book of Mormon and praying about it, with intent to follow their Lord and living Savior Jesus Christ into the waters of Baptism.

While Elder Mokie transferred out to Suva, I was left with no companion for 3 days.  I had to take initiative in arranging Members to come out and work with me each day as we continued to pump the area.  I would end each day finally, having used no English.  I either am speaking full-out Fijian, or full-out Hindi.  English is only if I must.  At the end of the day, I would stay with my dear, close friends, Elder Babcock and Fasia.  Sleeping at their flat, I was awokened at 1AM to find 17 bites all over me, and maybe 30 bedbugs all in a line walking towards me from another room!  Oh who doesn't want to have those cool Island stories where you sleep on the cold floor and rats eat the soles of your feet?  For me, it was exactly that!  Except it was bedbugs.  I ended up choosing joy and being grateful for them, and then they lost all negative power over me.  I had a wonderful, happy night's sleep on a study desk.  We don't need blankets or a bed, or even a floor.  If we have a choice and Christ, we have deep joy.  That is exactly why the truth in perfection is called the fullness of the Gospel--even joy.

"How long has it been since yoshouted for joy? 
In the Grand Council in heaven in our pre-mortal existence, all the sons and daughters of God "shouted for joy" (Job 38:7). 
Our Father in Heaven gave us thopportunity to be born, to 
assume the responsibilities of mortality,which offered the 
opportunity of "fullness of joy" (Ps. 16:11but which also entailed risks of disobediencesin, and heartache. Yet, as our Father's plan unfolded and we became aware of our divine potential for future immortality, we did all shout for joy.

"Now we are here; do we doubt the Lord's word, "Men are, 
that they might have joy" (2 Ne. 2:25)?
We live in a critical time in the world's history. Satan and his forces are busy. His temptations are relentless, deceiving 
many, sometimes even the very elect ... The ways of the world may have changed, but the commandments of our Heavenly Father, 
given for our welfare, are still in force, and true joy comes only from doing his will."

Daily I awake, read my मोरमन धर्मशास्त्र and finish my day with it.  That book is changing my life, every day.

Prophets of God have spoken this week:
 Arevealed by the Lord: "Men are, that they might have joy."6 Imagine! Of all the words he could have used to describe the nature and purpose of our lives here in mortality, he chose the word joy!
Life is filled with detours and dead ends, trials and challenges of every kind. Each of us has likely had times when distress, anguish, and despair almost consumed 
us. Yet we are here to have joy?
Yes! The answer is resounding yes! But how is that possible? And what must 
we do to claim the joy that Heavenly Father has in store for us?
Eliza R. Snow, second General President of the Relief Society, offered riveting 
answer. Because of Missouri's infamous extermination order,issued at the onset of the grueling winter of 1838,7 she and other Saints were forced to flee the state 
that very winter. One evening,Eliza's family spent the night in small log cabin 
used by refugee Saints. Much of the chinking between the logs had been 
extracted and burned for firewood by those who preceded them, so there were 
holes between the logs large enough for cat to crawl through. It was bitter cold, and their food was frozen solid.
That night some 80 people huddled inside that small cabin, only 20 feet square 
(6.1 meters square). Most sat or stood all night trying to keep warm. Outside, 
group of men spent the night gathered around roaring fire, with some singing 
hymns and others roasting frozen potatoes. Eliza recorded: "Not complaint was heard—all were cheerful, and judging from appearances, strangers would have taken us 
to be pleasure excursionists rather than band of gubernatorial exiles."
Eliza's report of that exhausting, bone-chilling evening was strikingly optimistic. She declared: "That was very merry 
night. None but saints can be happy under every circumstance."8
That's it! Saints can be happy under every circumstance. We can feel joy even 
while having bad day, bad week, or even bad year!
My dear brothers and sisters, the joy we feel has little to do with the circumstances of our lives and everything to do with the focus of our lives.
When the focus of our lives is on God's plan of salvation, which President Thomas S. Monson just taught us, and Jesus Christ and His gospel, we can feel joy 
regardless of what is happening—or not happening—in our lives. Joy comes from and because of Him. He is the source of all joy. We 
feel it at Christmastime when we sing, "Joy to the world, the Lord is come."9 And 
we can feel it all year round. For Latter-day Saints, Jesus Christ is joy!"

In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
See you in a few weeks!
Elder Howard

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Top of Mission Mountain

Photos first!  Drove 100km in one day on our back-to-back exchanges between 2 sets of AWESOME Elders and us, in Sigatoka and Lautoka, in the Wild West of Fiji Islands

Our Nadi District Hike on a mountain next to Lomolomo Village.  The Village now wants to hear the Gospel.  We have begun teaching them all--and they are ready!  They sang and performed for us.  They gave us a tour up the mountain!  At the end of the hike, we listened to the words of living Prophets speaking about Missionary work.  It was one of the most power-pumping spiritual moments of the mission!!!

We had a Baptism, Confirmation, Endowment, and AMAZING... AAAAA ... AMMA MAAAAAAZING miracles I just do not have time to share.  Next week!

Sunday, September 18, 2016

We had a Zone Conference PMG Competition where we got 2nd place as a District! 

We saved 2 houses from a wild fire.  The Holy Ghost prompted us to drive down a road, and a huge fire was about to engulf 2 families.  We ran and stood in front of the houses and used the Priesthood to rebuke the elements, and the fires disappeared within the hour.  We had dinner with the family that night and shared the Gospel with them. 

We were led by God to help some people just before they had been about to take their lives in depression.  We were led at just the right time. 

 So many, even a hundred people now love the Book of Mormon and are feeling Christ's light transform their lives.  You will LOOOOOVVVVVEEEE YOUR MISSION! We are really enjoying teaching people  here!!!! We have learned that nothing is more important than following the Holy Ghost.  It is all that matters.  If we follow the Holy Ghost, we will have a joyful journey to Heavenly Father, one that perfectly forms us to be like Him and Heavenly Mother.  We know what we must do, just listen + do = joy everytime.  

I love you so much.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Eternalized Status of E. M.

Hope your week has been full of challenges!

("what? What's he talking about?")

Because that means your moving to higher ground.  Embrace the mountains! You have a tour guide if you'll heed Him.

200+ pages of 
F.S.M. Hindi Language Guide
Beginner to Comprehensive
are ready for review and drafting.  Every localized translation of each of the 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, and 5 lessons, full lesson plans, vocabulary, 400+ verbs, beginner guides on all a fresh Missionary could want or need, local tips, learning games, dialects, culture/etiquette, and all topics and concepts covered.  All the conversations of my Mission and all God has invested in me, has been filtered out into these pages.  How Elder Mokie and I wish we could have had these wealths of resources at the start of our Missions!  

We were in tears to look around and find a larger number of Hindi brothers and sisters crowding the chapel.  12 of the Saints we are working with, all came to church!  6 Investigators and 6 Returning Members, and Recently Returned or Baptized Saints faithfully seated there as well!  We can testify that this came because we evaluate each other daily on the 5 keys of Success. We find as we strive for Exact Obedience even in the small things, people will call us up and say, "Elders, this Sister hasn't been to church in a decade, but now she's calling you to bring her back and Baptize her two sons. . . plus she's making you lunch on Sunday afternoon!"  I truly believe the Lord just waits for us to put our heart on the alter of sacrifice and then, the weight of that 7lb little precious gift sets of a chain reaction that opens up flood gates He had had in reserve all along.  The heart on the Alter sets off the release of the treasure vaults!  These 5 Keys, WORK! 

One of our Returning Members gave a talk on Sacrifice on Sunday.  She in tears shared, "I am here .. standing here today because of the Elders the Lord sent.  They came and told me I am loved.  I am needed.  It is because of them that I came back.  I will sacrifice.  I am so grateful.. that this has happened."  We were both in tears... it was one of the most pay-day... worth-it, special moments of these years.  Reflecting, it made me grateful for promptings.  All the miracles that have happened, that my memory picks up, were just because of a prompting heeded.  I testify that is the one work a Missionary or a Child of God has to do, get, hear, head, the Holy Ghost.   

There has never been a more satisfying day of my mission.  The Companionship, the unity, the joy, the hard work, the results, the investigators, the Spirit, the clarity of the the promptings nonstop, the tears, the signed Book of Mormons, the Referrals, the laughs, the hugs, the photos, the letters, the peace, the motivation, the clarity, the direction, the warmth... the solidified goodness of being Spongey!! 

We're getting good ready for Zone Conference.  Thankful for this last feast!  We're bringing our plates and some take-away containers (; ! It will be my departing testimony.  My final breath, final word.

It is the best gift anyone could receive; to be able to speak through the scriptures.  To have anyone ask a question, and be able to say, "Let's not come up with our own opinion; lets take this to the scriptures." And to have answers jump all perfectly in divine-line in heart and head!  To someone's need!  That's the sweetest part.  To see our words not work, and then the words of the scriptures do a mighty work in their very souls.  Being a scriptorian is the best gift a person can give to the world, perhaps.  "Man shall not live by bread alone."

Be a thing to act--no matter what.  Everywhere you go where there is a bad song, bring a USB of good.  Everywhere I go, bad songs flee.  Be a thing to act!  Take action!

Lessons, shorter and more powerful than ever.  Practicing and getting out before the Spirit does is a fun challenge.  There is a power in beginning with question, paint a picture of the best God's got, take it away, introduce Christ with BAR-CPR (Birth, Atonement Resurrection-Church, Prayer, Read) all they need, Matt 26:39, "what you do after the amen is all that matters," "once we go, He'll come knock" with photo of Christ at the door and leave with listening to them and the Spirit.  


5 Unlocked Doors, Forever  ~Elder Howard