Monday, February 23, 2015

Learning to speak HINDI!

The Fiji Mission is the first and only mission in the world that has anyone that is called to speak Hindi. 

​(Me and my companion, Elder Moka.  He's a convert.  He's exemplary.  He's so fun.  He's from New Zealand.  He's got 12 siblings.  He's so good at speaking and teaching Hindi.)

 We 6 Missionaries are the only and first ones in the world called to speak Hindi.  From what I'm told, even those called to India have so far only been called to speak English.  The first materials, pamphlets, etc., ever in this language, were made for us.  We're having so much success and we're watching the gospel change people's natures.  We are so busy and have so much work to do and people to teach non-stop that, for the first 7 days, I hadn't even had any time at all to unpack at all!

It's a real big change to go from a small shed in the bush, serving a Branch of members, to now being in a HUGE place, and serving 2 Wards in one of Fiji's biggest cities.  

Our flat we're renting, is so big that it takes 86 normal walking steps just to go from my bed to the bathroom and back!

When I came from the bush, here to the big city, I was expecting all of the stars to disappear.  Not the case!  The other night we saw the Milky Way again!!! BILLIONS of stars brightly shining! I saw the Southern Cross and my companions saw a shooting star for the first time in his entire life.  It was huge and took a while to fade away.

There are a lot of tourists that come through town, since we're near the port where they all come from.  It's SO WEIRD TO SEE WHITE PEOPLE!!  I don't know what to think when I see them.  Usually I just think they look like tourists and I figure I look exactly like a native.  

 Hearts are so softened that Muslims are even asking us to convert their families and bring them to church--that's not normal.  Muslims don't do that! 

One member we are working with, his name (changed for privacy) Kendrick 27 and his brother James 30. They both stopped coming to church about 15 years ago! When the dad Died. 

Kendrick was found by other Elders and referred to us because he's Indian. After getting to know him, he has a massive grudge with Heavenly Father because the day his dad died he had an argument and prayed that his dad will stay alive until he can apologize. But his dad was taken and he didn't get to apologize. 

This last week after many lessons and getting to know his family we seen him Friday and then again lunch time Saturday. Saturdays plan was have lunch with the family, then watch the hour movie Joseph Smith the Prophet of the Restoration. He was up and moving about through the movie and we had to rewind several times. We talked a little after the movie about different questions to both brothers. And we had already spent several hours at the appointment. I was prompted by the Lord to leave, but something kept holding us back, that we were missing something. His friends who live across the road about 23 years old, 2 brothers both Christian already. 

We shook every ones hand good by and last was Kendrick before walking out the Door, We had already invited him several times to pray that day to no avail. My companion held his hand say good bye and we didn't say a closing prayer and were not going too if he didn't pray for us. Well Long story short after he had held his hand for a long time, I closed my eyes and started praying in my heart. Then my companion noticed and told Kendrick, "My companion's praying that you would say a prayer for us."

He was trying to get his friends to say the closing prayer, but they backed away and said "You pray." 

My companion stepped back, closed his eyes and started praying in his heart that Kendrick would say a prayer before we left. 

I was praying that his friends would not disturb him.  I was praying that his heart would finally be softened after these long years and pains. I told him that the first step was to not let Satan have power.  When we feel unworthy is when to pray most and hardest.  The Spirit touched all our hearts.  The Lord blessed a miracle to happen.  Every detail of every moment fell perfectly into place.  

After what seems like a long time of praying in our hearts, he said out loud, "Fine Let us bow our heads and pray!"

He offered the most simple, and fantastic prayer in the world. 

Some of the things he said: "God my Father... hello it's me.  A really long time... but I just want you to know I'm sorry and I really need you in my life and I invite you in.  I need you.  Thank you for sending these Elders. All these things in Jesus' name, amen."  . It was soooo awesome. He has a Word of Wisdom problem which is so difficult to work with, but just that connection with Heavenly Father is going to help so MUCH!!!

My companion also said:

I couldn't see one second where Heavenly Father wasn't there and perfectly guiding every smallest thing!  We have been working with Kendrick (member) who hasn't been to church in over 15 years. He ceased coming to church when his father passed away, and has had a massive grudge with Heavenly Father since. Not Praying, or even acknowledging him. 

Saturday after watching "The Prophet of the Restoration" with him and his brother (one 27 and the other 31), we discussed their different questions related to the movie and other questions related to their reading of Restoration and Plan of Salvation Pamphlet. 

After being there for a while, we planned to leave and invited Kendrick to pray for us. In which he declined multiple times. 

His friends come over from across the road,2 brothers who are members of AOG Church just a few minutes before we left. He tried to get them 2 to pray for him and us before we left which they both declined. 

Just about to leave as Elder Howard got prompted to leave, and myself I was thinking and feeling there was something missing, just don't feel right to leave. Shaking all hands and ending with Kendrick asking one more time if he would pray which he declined again, I held his hand for a moment,

Elder Howard had just closed his eyes in silent prayer, I noticed and told Kendrick Elder Howard is praying that you would prayer. I stepped back and Join in silent prayer to Heavenly Father that Kendrick would prayer!!

After praying what seems a really long and slow time, He started in Prayer!! It was SIMPLE, and BEAUTIFUL. ACKNOWLEDGE HIS WRONGS and how he shouldn't have held a GRUDGE for such a long time!! It was beautiful, the spirit was so song!!!!

I love him and know he was one of the reasons I came to this area.  We are watching his whole nature change.  We are watching the Atonement change his life.  He is overcoming all of his addictions one step at a time.  he prayed for the first time in about 16 years!  It was the most beautiful, simple, sweet, personal prayer of a son talking to their literal and loving Father.  He poured out his heart and we watched as his whole demeanor changed.  He filled with light and peace.  I was told by Heavenly Father to promise him that his prayer would be answered.

There hasn't been one lesson where I haven't watched Heavenly Father speak His words through me.  Words that weren't from me and that I hadn't even thought of until they came out of my mouth.

This is a crab.  I did not eat the crab. Don't worry.  It just wanted to have a picture with me.  Some Fijian's picked it up for me, and then we set up a time to go back and teach them about the gospel.

Another miracles is I got on a bus and felt I was supposed to share the gospel with a middle aged young woman.  I didn't see any I could sit by on the bus, so I sat by a 14 year old boy.  We became instant best friends and had so much fun and felt the Spirit testify to each of us as I shared about the restoration of the Gospel and about Joseph Smith seeing God the Father and Jesus Christ when he was this young man's age (14). But then as I pulled out a pamphlet to give him in Fijian, out of nowhere, a middle aged young woman was sitting next to me and asked me if she could please have that pamphlet also.  I had to switch my mind over to speaking another language.  I gave her the pamphlet and she was so interested and told me to come back and teach her.  She is so sincere and open and it was truly Heavenly Father placing her in my path.  The coolest part was that Heavenly Father told me about it before I even got on the bus.  I know without a doubt she was supposed to receive the restored gospel on that bus at that time and that the Lord had placed us both there so she could receive it.

She will be taught in Hindi.  She is amazing.  She is fully prepared to receive the restored Gospel.  She had only gotten on that specific bus because she was there for ONE DAY ONLY to visit her family.  The timing was set up by Heavenly Father.  His hand is in everything preparing the path ahead of you.

Thank Him in advance for the miracles He is going to bring about.  Make it a practice to thank Him in advance for things.  He goes to so much work in your life to prove how present He is and how much He is intimately and constantly interested in YOU SPECIFICALLY.

All my ties were molding and getting too dirty to wear.  Then, out of nowhere, a package came for me from Elder Nawahine's grandparents in Hawaii!!!!! WOW! They sent me 2 home-made Hawaiian ties!!!! This is one of them:

​In the backround is a board I practice Hindi phrases on.  And on the mirror is a lot of quotes and things Heavenly Father has led me to receive or find to uplift me.  Also my music, my other name tag, and the statue of Christ that my companion in the MTC, Elder Burgener, broke, so we wrote on it "You are my hands."  

Each new week passes by so much faster than the last. 

​The Hindi people are so impressed and touched that I've learned so much of their language in a week.

I now know how to speak more Hindi than some of the Hindi people I've met, and I know more than almost all Fijians.  Heavenly Father is really helping us share His gospel.  

The other day I saw a kid that looks and acts SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much like William, my nephew!  And his mom's faith is so strong, I felt she was like the lady Christ said "greater faith than this I have not seen in all Jerusalem." (paraphrase)  Reminded me so much of my dear and wonderful sister Jodie. (The mother of William.)  This kid looks just like that awesome, heroic, superhero, Christ-like nephew of mine!

 Bit by an ant for the first time in my life!

Happiness is a gift! - You're guaranteed to keep it, only by sharing it.

When you pray for an other and his problems instead of your own, and ask for his blessings, you then get all the solutions to what problems you'd have asked help for and receive blessings you'd have asked for.  Putting others first puts you first; It's the only thing that ever really does put you first and bless you most.

The Book of Mormon should have a warning "addictive" label on it's front cover!

It should say "Contents Highly Addictive!  If you read and live these words in this book, you'll get true, deep, indestructable, ridiculous, lasting joy and utter happiness, and answers to all your questions and eternal life with your Heavenly Father and your own Eternal Family."

But, it kind of does say that in the Introduction to that sacred scripture.

 During one of our visits with Kendrick, we asked him, "Do you know where you were before this life?"  He said:  "No.  No one knows that."  Both me and my companion smiled super big and said, "I do." "I do."
This gospel has all the answers to all the questions that exist!  All the questions people's souls ask themselves and can't find answer for, God Himself has answered and given the ways to find the answers in this His restored fullness of His perfect gospel.  What greater thing to be doing than 24/7 be sharing this?


 I sought an even stronger and renewed testimony of God's living prophet, President Monson. I received so many answers that I couldn't deny!  I felt the Holy Ghost bear witness to every fiber of my soul.  It was quiet and life changing and I knew without a doubt that he is a true prophet.  I've put his words to the test.  I've tried them out.  I feel the Spirit testify to me while I listen to him.  I opened the Scriptures after praying for an even stronger testimony of him as a Prophet, and the Lord showed me incredible things in the page I opened to, that went right to my heart.  And just after that, my companion, without knowing I had prayed that, he put on a DVD of a comilation of uplifting messages, and it happened to play this video right after I had prayed that prayer about President Monson: We Need Living Prophets.  And then it played this:  And in both, I felt Heavenly Father speaking directly to my innermost being, quiet, personal confirmation that we are led by a living prophet God and Christ speak personally with and lead. I know Christ testifies of him and I am going to testify of him with all my joy and heart!

What a joyful message Heavenly Father has given all His children!

Here, we eat with our hands and hardly ever use spoons.  The other day, the Indians told me to use a spoon.  I told them, "No that's for American's. I'm an Indian!"  

 People forgot to feed us dinner and then on the way home dogs made me do a front flip over my bike handlebars onto the asphalt.  I chose to be really happy and amused.  It was so exciting and fun.

We live on the top of  a mountain hill in town.  Every night we have to bike or walk up it.  I LOVE IT!!! :D

I have the same crazy unbelievable unity that I had with Elder Nawahine!! We will be teaching a lesson, and without planning in advance at all, we both decided to teach the same subject, and we both are independently and individually, simultaneously led to the SAME SCRIPTURE!! This has happened over and over!!! It isn't just a one-time occurrence!  The crazy thing is that, Elder Moka will start reading my scripture without knowing at all that it was the one I was also led to choose, and he'll read right up until the verse I was going to start at!  He begins before my verse, and ends right at my verse, and then I read my verse.  But neither of us had planned even which chapter of what book!!!!!

For every week of my mission so far, we have been tempted to believe 1st Nephi 3:7 isn't true.  What I mean is, we're tempted to have to break the Sabbath by paying for people to labor on the Sabbath for us.  Our circumstances require Taxi's or Buses.  But each time, Heavenly Father whispers to my heart and mind, "Pray and ask for help and see if I will not provide a way as I have promised." And then I do just that.  That happened again yesterday.  We had a Baptism to get to all the way on the other side of the big city we cover.  We had to get there right away and my companion had tried everyone he could after the Sacrament Meeting ended, to give us a ride.  But I was prompted to go back and try again.  We found a member who gave us a ride and was going to same place!!!! We got to the Baptism and it was wonderful!  We had such a spiritual experience.

God will enable you to keep His commandments, insomuch as you have faith and acts to enable Him to enable you. :)

Monday, February 16, 2015


Faith means Actions

I've been given my life, you've been given your life


HOLD BACK NOTHING FROM OUR FATHER IN HEAVEN Who can makeus the most unbounded divine beings we truly are as His glorious and joyful, beloved Children.

For months and months and months, Heavenly Father and I have been having conversations about a life-changing and eternity-affecting prophecy He gave me.  In our conversations, daily, He told me I would be called to open up the Hindi nation here.  I would be called to speak Hindi. 

 Half of this nation is Fijian, and half of this whole nation, are Hindi.  So far, the gospel has only been preached to the Fijian people. 

The Lord has ended all days behind, and opened up a truly breathtaking and new day!  He has called me to go forth and proclaim His joy and fullness of truth to His children in the Hindi language!

It was a matter of when, not if.  No one new except me and the Lord.  But then the Lord told my Mission President, and on transfer day, I got a telephone call:

It was a fairly normal day

​(these bugs can make you go blind if they squirt in your eye... I didn't find that out until after it had been on my face for 20 minutes, when I was then told. Whew! )
I woke up, found ways to serve my wonderful companion.  Did a GREAT workout!  Had a great breakfast.  And expected to be told that my companion was going to be transferred out of Bau, and that I would get a new companion, and lead this area.

But the Lord had unimaginably grand things in store.

As always, His way in literally breathtakingly better!

The President of all the Missionaries in Fiji, called us up.  He told my companion that he would be the District Leader in Nadi, Fiji.  And then he asked Elder Nawahine to hand the phone to me...

​(These are Fijian graves.  This is a Fijian meeting house up near Nadi.)
President Layton told me that the Lord has seen my exeedingly fast advancement in the Fijian language, and He has now seen fit to extend to me a call that will change my entire mission and this whole nation.  I was called by Heavenly Father to save 100's of thousands of God's eternal children of the Indian/Hindi heritage.  He shared with me a glorious vision for these people.  I am to become a linguistic expert in this language, to then train 30-50 more missionaries after me to march for this glorious message forth for the first time to the whole half of Fiji that has never yet had the opportunity to receive it.  I wasn't told very many details by the Mission President.  Only that I would be going to a completely different part of Fiji (Lautoka), and that instead of serving in a Branch, I would now be serving in 2 Wards!!  WOW!
After I got off the phone with the President, I went and knelt by my bed in the sunshine of the morning sun, and of my Father's love and light.  I was seeking another firm witness from Him that this was the right time to step forward and rise up to the grand things I was foreordained for.  Powerful emotions flooded my system.  I was under the impression that this meant I had to give up speaking Fijian and leave it behind.  I would have to leave behind all my investigators here in Bau that were about to be baptized.  I would have to leave once again, everything I knew.  Only, this time, I would not have 6 weeks in a Training Center in America to learn the language... in fact, I would have almost absolutely nothing to work with...   Plus, it's not normal for two missionaries to leave an area at the same time and be replaced with fresh ones.  Usually one stays behind and that way the new missionaries can get to know the investigators and the area.

Who would the Lord send to replace us?

Again, the Lord was asking literally everything I had to give.  So, I went to Him, directly--and immediately.

I knelt down and had a long, fully real and veilless conversation with my personal and loving Father, exalted and eternal.

​He was speaking with me and opening the channels for visions and our 2-way heavenly communication, just between me and Him alone together, stopped in space and time in His grand mission field.  He sent feelings of assurance and peace and joy to my heart by the Holy Ghost, but I still had confusion and small uncertainties to small degrees.
 He led me to lift my head.
Literally, God my Father told me to lift my head up.  I'd been kneeling by my bedside, head down in my hands on the bed.  He told me "Lift your head, my son."  I did.  It passed the pillow case hanging from my mosquito net above my bed.  My dear friends from the Manassas 2nd Ward, 8,000miles away in the foreign land of America, had sent me this pillow case with meaningful and deep, uplifting scriptures.  As my head came up past it, my eyes immediately opened and fell on 1Nephi 2:15.  The spirit said go to it.  "My father dwelt in a tent."

Heavenly Father has a sense of humor.  I was dumbfounded... what was I supposed to get from that?

Oh.. the Lord began to tell me.

Lehi gave up all his riches and land and all things, and went into the wilderness to follow Heavenly Father's will and call.  Grand promises came to him because he so joyfully and obediently chose this.  There were books-worth of notes in all the margins of my scriptures on that page.  They all spoke to me exactly, (almost freakily,) exactly what I needed to hear!  And the voice of the Lord spoke peace to me and told me great things.

He promised me that Bau will flourish and become more than I can imagine, in His wisdom and all this has been done and will be okay.  I can trust literally all things in His hands.  The only thing I'm attached to is Him.  All my fondest hopes and wishes will be  brought to pass and more.

This mission really will change me all the way positively.  Not a change, the right word is a build and a progress off of the old me which was just a foundation Heavenly Father made for bigger and unboundedly and unimaginable or unfathomably greater things.

​That day was the first day I really stepped back and realized how drastic and irrecognizably I have grown and improved and progressed and advanced since day one of mine and Heavenly Father's mission.  I must change fully and fully positively every day.  My love for the Hindi people grows and grows by the minute!  I am so grateful for this opportunity to show Him I hold back truly and indeed literally no thing; That I really do only that which highest pleaseth Him, I do only those things His spirit tells me He  Himself would use His agency to choose if He were me in my place.  That I really will withhold no thing from Him.  The life i fully give Him--He thereby fully magnifies and sanctifies. The life I give Him is one of Doing; one of Proving.  There will indeed be no thing which I did not give Him.  I exist for and choose only a fullness; not a someness at all!   This is how I choose to use the Agency He gave me!  Only one thing (perhaps,) is so certain in life; and that is that CHANGE is continual and constant.  but here's your great key:  if you give your whole self and life over to Heavenly Father who loves you and has the best plan for you, then all those  unending changes are for your good, advancement, joy and positive unending upward progress-- each change changes you to in real, tangible ways be as He is , and all of what the grandest version of the highest destiny of you is.

All I know is that I am fully and all the way in His hands.

Changes still come, but they're pleasant surprises, and you're not negatively governed by them no matter what they possibly ever are or could ever be!   That's the power of Christ!  That's real! Rather, become the governor because of a greater capacity to choose your attitude and access His power , vision, strength and wisdom.  If you save (retain, withhold,) your life, and not freely and fully give it to Him, then change is still ever constant, continual and unending, but so is your uneasiness, fear, confusion, lack of full blessings, and downward pull and perhaps destructive negative affect they have upon you while you are going through them.  But, blessedly,  these two alternatives are ours to freely choose for ourselves.  Pick the first and you'll have a first-class life and eternity in all things now and through every change and pleasant-surprise-from-Heavenly-Father&-Life in His best plan for you yet to come!  
We have no way of learning this language except by going to the people.  There aren't even any dictionaries.  This program is so hard, that there are only 6 of us missionaries in it in the whole nation, and some of them find it so hard they want to give up.  But the Lord has better plans than that.  He's going to magnify all of us fully.

The whole future of this program and the Salvation of half an entire nation is riding on our shoulders and depending on us... 6 missionaries and one other: the True and Living God, our Father who is literally and constantly with us and revealing great revelations and help to us.  This really, and fully literally is His work.  It is true.

I know I was foreordained and prepared for this very purpose.  I enthusiastically agreed to these obligations before I was born.

The scriptures are the key to everything good in a day, in a week, in a life.  I challenge you, just open the scriptures.  It's as simple as that.  Pick up the Bible! Pick up the Book of Mormon!  My assignment to you all this week, individually, is that whenever you feel sad, discouraged, worn down, afraid, confused, have a question, want to feel important and glimpse your grand destiny, or any thing like that, will you open your scriptures?
 God will talk to you whenever  you do that. 

​The Lord led me to these valiant and celestial souls!  They're my best friends in Fiji... I love them with all my heart!!  The Lord so undeniably led us to them and them to us.  They are an absolute miracle.  They are going to be baptized this month and  then prepare to go on missions.  I admire each of them and will never forget them.  I pray for each one by name every single day.
The Lord sent our replacement missionaries to our area the day before we left it, and we got to introduce them to all our investigators and show them the area quickly.  I was so comforted, those missionaries that replaced me are absolutely perfect for the area.  I testify we can trust Heavenly Father perfectly.  I mean it! Literally perfectly!!!! You can't trust Him too much!!!!

So far, 6 people are now to the waters of baptism from this my Father and mine's mission in Fiji.  What a joy these souls are to watch.  They are my heroes, and examples!!!! I love this work  and will only work harder and harder!

Just as Abraham in the Old Testament, if we're willing to give up even the great blessings we sought for so many years or months, then that turns out to only infinitely multiply the blessing!!

That's how the principle of sacrifice and following the Lord always works: You give up something so dear, and it comes back multiplied!  

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Why have limits?

Improvement in Every Moment of Life.

You know that God is your Father.  He loves you.  He wants you to be happy. Put ALL your trust in Him, and He'll bring you to a realization of ALL your divine potential and character as His Child.  This Life is the Time. 

​(Picture I took on Saturday, of armwrestling giants in the clouds of Fiji)

Oh, how much we gain by committing to live the life our Heavenly Father highest believes and intends for us!  He knows we're capable.  He'll empower and enable us as we give ourselves to His will--and making there be no difference between our will and His, His work and ours.

This is the great test of life: Will we choose to have limits, or will we break all of them through the freedom that comes through obedience and yielding ourselves wholly up unto our Father's BETTER AND AWESOMEST version and plan for us?  His way=joy that never dies, exaltation that has no limit, Christ-like life, now and in eternity with our Eternal Families, our Heavenly Father and all those we love.
Our way=emptiness and hunger that never is satisfied.  Discouragement and endless searching for meaning and deep lasting happiness.  Never realize our full potential, never attain it, no eternal progress.

The great test of Life is an invitation.  An invitation to come and be completely one with Jesus Christ and our personal, loving, Eternal Father.  Will we lose our life by keeping and withholding it (giving ourselves grievous limits,) or withholding nothing, and giving ourselves completely over to His better plan for our lives--a Plan that makes us Even As He Is.  

The choice is ours. 
This week has been too good!!

I spent the whole week in other areas, with other people besides my own companion.  The Zone Leaders and Assistants to the mission President, came and did exchanges with my companion and I.  They are the highest missionary leaders in the mission.  They came and we taught each other mindblowing things!  I have grown perhaps more than I ever have at any other point in my life, these past weeks on my mission.  

We're seeing more success than we can handle.  At the same time, we're experiencing so much joyful opposition and what some would silly call "dissapointments."  Many fall-through appointments, and people that choose other paths than that of following Jesus Christ and being Baptized.   We just hand it over to the Lord and choose joy, and press on super joyfully work, work, working non-stop!  I love choosing joy!!!There's no end to the things I could tell you Heavenly Father taught me this week!!  No end!!  Wow!!!!! 
I am prepared to open my mouth to literally anyone and everyone Heavenly Father desires me to bless and lift and love.  

I have learned that the most selfish gift is the gift of service.  For when we serve others, we ALWAYS get more than those we serve get.  Whenever we bless another, it blesses us more than it does them.  Whenever we teach, we learn more than our learners.  Whenever we are grateful, we receive EVEN more.  Whenever we shine light, it's brightest close to the source... us, the shiners!!! What greater principle!?  Go be selfish by being selfless!!!! 

Transfers are happening this week, which means I will either be leading this area, or going to a new area.  Heavenly Father has prepared me to do His work, one with Him, to change the eternities of His children here in Fiji.  Their exaltation and eternal life and fullness of joy in this life and the next, is my goal.  To bring them the ultimate, lasting, and truth and meaning and happiness, through this, the true message of the Restored fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in our day.

The Lord Himself personally leads and directs His church, through modern-day living Prophets.
Here, in order to keep the Sabbath by going to church, you "have to" break the Sabbath by paying the bus driver to work on the Sabbath.

I was told by Heavenly Father, to exercise faith that, if I asked for Him to part my little Red Sea, He would provide a way for me to keep the Sabbath Day holy by not having to pay the bus driver.

Each time I did this, Heavenly Father miraculously answered me!

It was always an impossible situation where I thought there was no way around having to pay for our ride.  But, Heavenly Father opened the way every time!

Pray for help to keep His commandments, and He'll enable you. 

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for this picture, this is a bird that was flying around in our house early in the morning when we woke up the other day.  We live in a great little shed that we share with every kind of Fijian creature...

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smashing a rock on my face, my eye came out (ha ha ha just kidding :)

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fijian kids

We lost our key to our house and had to go without our house being locked up. The door had to be left open, and we had to go teach lessons.  We knew we were about God's personal and eternal work, so we just asked that His angels and He, watch and protect our house.  We went out and weren't back till late.. much much later in the night.  On our way home, I was wondering if we really were in His hands and if our house would be alright, and if He was with us in this work.  He then told me to look to my left, and I saw this and was blown away with amazement and He spoke great things to my heart and mind. 

When we got home, our home was perfectly untouched and no one had broken in.  We fell down and praised Him and thanked Him with full hearts, and now, full unshakable testimonies

I am a personal witness that He lives and this is literally and fully truly, His work.  It is true.  This gospel is from no man, He Himself restored it and leads it and us this day.

In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

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It's a man, holding the moon in the palm of His hand

Friday, February 6, 2015


We're teaching some cannibals, and they had me for dinner the other night! 

The cannibalism here is so fun.  If you think mosquitoes eating you is a little concerning--try having people feel the same way about you!   The Fijian's love me!

__*All jokes.  Don't worry *__

My companion the other day, turned around and looked at me as we were walking through the crowded sidewalks of town on Preparation Day, and just laughed.  I said joyfully and cheerily, "What?"  He said lovingly and amusedly, "I love it how whenever I look at you there is ALWAYS a smile on your face.  I never see you without it.  You're always smiling!  I love you Elder Howard!"  I said, "Well, Heavenly Father gives me lots to smile about!"

I have to be honest: Elder Nawahine is the best missionary I may have ever met.  He is truly one of the finest missionaries in the whole mission.  As the one who spends literally every minute of every day with him, I can tell you his obedience and diligence are almost superhuman.  I've never seen a better leader.  He has taught me how to lead, how to lead this area, know all the principles that make a leader get along with everyone and anyone, all the language tricks, all the things I admire in him, he has transferred over to me.  I feel like I was given the best trainer!  I am so humbled and grateful for him, and our Mission President's wisdom and inspiration in putting us together. We pray together too much--more than we should! And that's why we see more unity than is humanly, more miracles than is natural, and more progress in the work than we can believe!  

My Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday!!!

" My brothers and sisters, the gospel of Jesus Christ transcends mortality.  Our work here is but a shadow of greater and unimaginable things to come.  The heavens opened to the Prophet Joseph Smith.  He saw the living God and His Son, Jesus the Christ.   In our day a Prophet, President Thomas S. Monson, walks the earth and provides direction for our time. As our Heavenly Father loves us, we also should love His children."
~Elder Joseph B Wirthlin~

My Birthday!!!!! It was great!!!!! Truly I can say in honesty, it was the best day I had lived yet!  It exceeded all my grandest expectations.  Also, thank you so much for those of you who sent me kind emails and words of love and encouragement! I love you!  That meant a lot!  I read every email I get, and these ones meant SO much to me.  
Thank you, from the bottom of my heart!  

This is brother Cava!  He and I share a birthday, so he had us over for dinner.  I ate more food than I probably ever have in my life, and topped all the Thanksgivings I've ever had.  I then immediately went from eating all that food, to doing one handed pushups and singing and playing guitar and laughing and sharing the gospel and watching Heavenly Father use me to share a message with that family, that even surprised and touched and amazed me.
For my 19th birthday, I had just two desires: 
1) to give this day all the way to Heavenly Father, and 2) to use it only to bless others in meaningful ways, each hour of the day.

Let me tell you, THAT IS THE RECIPE FOR SUPER RIDICULOUS HAPPINESS!! It made that day the happiest day of my life yet! 

Christ shows and teaches me how to focus every degree of my life and being, outward and upward, in unselfish service to others.  I have found that when I treat others  as if they are Christ--and serve and love and honor and respect them as if they are Christ, then our unity and friendship is perfect! Perfectly one! Perfectly joyful and full of love and too much smiles and laughter!  Heavenly Father is able to unrestrainedly pour out almost more investigators and progress in the work than we can handle!  What great keys He is constantly teaching me!  I write everything down, that He tells me throughout every day, and then I immediately go to work enthusiastically to live and become whatever principle He had me write down!
 Heavenly Father really can do His work when we give ourselves all the way to Him--not just partly to Him.

As I shared last week, this is something Elder Gunderson taught me, that I've lived every day of my mission, and every minute of my every day:

"If you want to baptize a few people, talk to a few people

If you want to baptize a lot of people, talk to a lot of people

If you want to baptize everyone you can, then talk to everyone you can."

I love it!  I love love love living all the way out of my comfort zone!  I don't want a single day in the Mission to be at ALL in my comfort zone! this is where I thrive and skyrocket in eternal growth!

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Life@Fullest + Eternities YOURS

What a life this is!!!!! It's unbounded and limitless!!!!!!

I truly feel fluent in Fijian. I'm not perfect, but Heavenly Father truly speaks literally everything through me.  I just spend all my days looking and listening in awe to the things He literally fills my mouth and actions with. I can't list all the ways I see Heavenly Father's hand, (not just in a DAY, but in an HOUR!) IN EVERYthing I do! This is His work, and I'm proud to have the privilege of being one with Him in it! Thank you for loving and following the Lord!  Thank you for making the most of your time on earth.  Thank you for your emails and letters! 

Everything in my life really does fill me with a fire and ridiculous desire to yield to my Heavenly Father in every degree and detail in my life.  Thank you so sososo much for your love and prayers!  I read everything you send me, and am living whatever advice you give!

Thanks to Heavenly Father, I feel truly fluent in the language of the Spirit.  I hear it almost more clearly than my natural ears hear things.  I know exactly when and what it's speaking to me.  And I never miss a prompting.  I have no regrets.  I have no opportunities I don't seize.

He gave me a goal at the very start of my mission, to never ever ride a bus or taxi without sharing the gospel effectively and setting up appointments to come to people's homes and share with their whole family; or to give at least my testimony, smile, love, and a pamphlet or pass-along-card to someone.  I'm proud and humbled to say, by His enabling and strengthening power, I've fully and completely lived up to that goal Heavenly Father and I set!

There's been not one bus in which I haven't fully achieved this goal!

Every week, I have exchanges. (for one day, Missionaries from another area, swap one companion in exchange for me or my companion,)  I've gone on more than a dozen now!  Each one is better than the last--and that's saying something, because each one is unimaginably good!! But Heavenly Father finds ways to always top the last one!  That's how each day of mission has been!  My fire and joy and usefulness to Heavenly Father, skyrockets higher and higher every day.  I love being one with Heavenly Father in His eternal work!  It's so energizing! I'm never without His spirit!  It's incredible! 

There's not a single person I don't perfectly get along with and love!!  As I serve others and seek only Heavenly Father's approval, then the other missionaries love and respect and honor me, and we immediately become best friends!  I haven't had one day where I have had one conflict with a companion.  Not one!  


Because Heavenly Father has taught me correct principles of leadership, and as I live them, I see He's right about them!  They work--and therefore I am able to bless His children, each exchange that He gives me! 

Christ shows and teaches me how to focus every degree of my life and being, outward and upward, in unselfish service to others.  I have found that when I treat others  as if they are Christ--and serve and love and honor and respect them as if they are Christ, then our unity and friendship is perfect! Perfectly one! Perfectly joyful and full of love and too much smiles and laughter!  Heavenly Father is able to unrestrainedly pour out almost more investigators and progress in the work than we can handle!  What great keys He is constantly teaching me!  I write everything down, that He tells me throughout every day, and then I immediately go to work enthusiastically to live and become whatever principle He had me write down!

I cannot believe what the mission is making me! My potential and my joy are unbounded.  I don't feel the veil.  Heavenly Father and I literally have conversations!

Every companionship inventory, and every exchange review has been uplifting, fully of love, compliments, and laughter!  All the 10 weeks I've been with Elder Nawahine, there hasn't been one day we've had one conflict or bad feeling.  There hasn't been one inventory where we had to work anything out, because we live by correct principles and therefore are perfectly one with each other and Heavenly Father!  All we do is love, serve, laugh and work perfectly and joyfully together!  In all my 10 weeks, there hasn't been one exchange where we didn't non-stop love each other, laugh and smile too much, work too miraculously in unison, and have heavy hearts as the exchange came to an end. :)

This exchange this week with Elder Motuliki was absolutely miraculous! 

He is a 5 Star missionary!  I watched Heavenly Father work miracles through him.  We pray literally every moment the Spirit tells us to; and I believe that is why we see non-stop and unbelievable miracles.  Elder Motuliki is so obedient and SO happy!  The people love him, and I love him!  A Tongan family and he, got to converse in Tongan!  They want to come to church and be baptized! It actually turned out that they are his really close family! Heavenly Father works undeniable miracles whenever we heed D&C 82:10! He is so close to Heavenly Father!  We have such stellar missionaries in this district!! WOW!!!

I have fully seen and come to fully know why this promise is true: As the Savior sat on the Mount of Olives, He declared: 
“Take no thought beforehand what ye shall speak, neither do ye premeditate: but whatsoever shall be given you in that hour, that speak ye: for it is not ye that speak, but the Holy Ghost” (Mark 13:11). 
Love and a focus only on the investigator's needs, and giving yourself wholly and completely to the Father to speak through you as a channel by which His words may come, then the Holy Ghost is the only one that speaks.  I cannot tell you how many miracles I've witnessed!

Through heavenly aid and assistance, and the enabling power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, there has been not one hour of one single day where I did not witness and personally participate in a miracle.  

In all my acts and conduct, I ever have the consciousness that I am now preparing and making myself a life to be continued through eternities.   I act upon no principle that I would be ashamed or unwilling to act upon in heaven. I am sealed and committed to proving my Heavenly Father right about everything He highest believed in me when He and I looked down from the Pre-Earth life at all that my life and mission here could highest be. I let principles pure, honorable, holy, and virtuous, always rule and govern.  AND MY MISSION IS absolutely and fully THRIVING SO MUCH!!! In literally every way!!

I have to be honest: Elder Nawahine is the best missionary I may have ever met.  He is truly one of the finest missionaries in the whole mission.  As the one who spends literally every minute of every day with him, I can tell you his obedience and diligence are almost superhuman.  I've never seen a better leader.  He has taught me how to lead, how to lead this area, know all the principles that make a leader get along with everyone and anyone, all the language tricks, all the things I admire in him, he has transferred over to me.  I feel like I was given the best trainer!  I am so humbled and grateful for him, and our Mission President's wisdom and inspiration in putting us together. We pray together too much--more than we should! And that's why we see more unity than is humanly, more miracles than is natural, and more progress in the work than we can believe!  

As a companionship of perfect and complete unity and oneness, we have used our agency to cultivate the feeling to be perfect, even as our Father in heaven is perfect.  And we know He gave us that commandment so many times in the scriptures, and meant it.  We realized that could only be realized if we laid literally our whole selves on the alter of sacrifice.  And we knew that He knew whether we could conform to it or not; the Lord never has, nor will He require things of His children which it is impossible for them to perform.  We've watched Him sanctify us fully, to the point where this is a companionship of more than two.  He is now fully active in it.

The main thing I've learned, can be summed up in this quote i put on my Daily Planner:

"Be obedient to the prophetic teachings Christ would have you follow. Don’t rationalize away future happiness by taking shortcuts instead of applying sound gospel principles. Remember: little things lead to big things. Seemingly insignificant indiscretions or neglect can lead to big problems. More importantly, simple, consistent, good habits lead to a life[mission] full of bountiful blessings."

That's also something Elder Motuliki emphasized to me. 

No lesson I have taught has been by me.  I can't think of one instance where the Spirit didn't take over and where Elder Nawahine and I didn't get out of the way and let the Holy Ghost do His work.  What a full joy it is to watch!  The other day I extended the Baptismal commitment to Apenai (and investigator of ours,) and my Fijian poured out as Heavenly Father's words.  The Spirit was soooo strong!  He is going to be baptized on the 22nd!  Not a single thing I did or said was by me!  Heavenly Father really can do His work when we give ourselves all the way to Him--not just partly to Him.

As I shared last week, this is something Elder Gunderson taught me, that I've lived every day of my mission, and every minute of my every day:

"If you want to baptize a few people, talk to a few people
If you want to baptize a lot of people, talk to a lot of people
If you want to baptize everyone you can, then talk to everyone you can."

I love it!  I love love love living all the way out of my comfort zone!  I don't want a single day in the Mission to be at ALL in my comfort zone! this is where I thrive and skyrocket in eternal growth!

Elder Nawahine's goal from the beginning was to make me a missionary that could train other missionaries.  He and I have taken each day and used it to the max!  We're on schedule with all the training, and we've both fully caught the vision of our Heavenly Father's highest expectations for us, and have spent 2 or 3 days in every month fasting.  Miracles have been truly non-stop.  Heavenly Father is ready to use Elder Nawahinefor great thing in this mission and back home.  I can recommend him as truly one of the best trainers the Mission President has trained.  I have sent his family several secret letters about all the endless lists of excellent qualities I admire in their son!  We're not just companions, we are not just best friends, we are not just brothers--we top all those descriptions.  I love this companionship and how being teachable and full of joy in every day of my time with him, has prepared me for every companionship ahead to be even greater and whatever Heavenly Father wants it to highest be through His enabling power.

There is the nature of deity in the composition of my spiritual organization;  Heavenly Father transmitted to me the capabilities, powers and faculties which He Himself possesses, as much so as the child on its mother’s bosom possesses, although in an undeveloped state, the faculties, powers and susceptibilities of its parent.  And it's been beautiful to watch all those develop in this short mortal life. 

My travel in this path of exaltation will bring me to the fullness of the Lord Jesus Christ, to stand in the presence of my Father, to receive of His fullness, to have the pleasure of increasing and progressing with my family, worlds without end.  This is my vision, and Heavenly Father personally has given it to me.  Now that I know this, and know that my children are all watching me and learning from me even from the Pre-Earth life at this very moment, then why would I ever live beneath or below my fullness as one of His children? More about that topic

I am here to reach a fullness of my potential; not a someness.  And to bring all the children of God in Fiji with me--one precious eternal, glorious, divine Being at a time.